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職業運動是依賴媒體的傳播力與企業贊助得以蓬勃發展,並成為社會大眾的娛樂之一,而媒體的介入與運作也讓運動在原有的結構上出現明顯的改變,造就運動明星成為運動產業中不可或缺的一環。本研究目的是以媒體運動做為理論基礎,以我國職業棒球為例,瞭解選手被塑造成為運動明星之過程為何。研究方法包括文獻分析與深度訪談,研究期間自2006年10月至2012年5月,受訪對象包括運動界與媒體界共8位。本研究結果顯示,我國職棒運動選手被塑造成為職棒運動明星過程中,最重要條件是擁有優秀的技術能力與個人魅力、以及符合當代社會價值觀之人格特質;唯有具備優越的個人條件,才能讓媒體製造話題,並以其本身良好形象吸引企業投注資金贊助或是成為企業代言人,更可成為球團的代表人物,促進職業運動產業之發展;而媒體與企業在塑造運動明星過程中,也可藉由運動明星的知名度帶動閱聽率、以及提高贊助或代言企業的形象。因此,在職業運動發展過程中,運動明星的塑造朝向商品化,與媒體、企業成為一互利共生結構。 本研究提出後續研究建議有三,一是從學術研究方面,針對我國各個經營職棒球團的企業,其對於塑造職棒運動明星之行銷策略有何不同進行研究。二是在政策方面,對於我國職棒運動選手的教育系統如何完善規劃,包括培育選手的基層教育、正確價值觀的建立、職業選手時期之職業道德教育及與媒體公眾的應對訓練等等,可進一步蒐集國內外相關文獻與訪談資料進行深度的瞭解。三是在我國職棒運動產業發展方面,遭遇簽賭弊案導致整體職棒產業產值下滑的情形下,必須審慎思考如何找回媒體與大眾信任感之執行方針。
Professional baseball is one of the most popular entertainment in current Taiwan. The development of the professional sport usually relies on the power of the media and the endorsement from the enterprises. Obviously, the structure of professional sport has been changed after the media’s intervention, because it is necessary to form/make/creat a media sport star in the sport industry. The purpose of this study is to realize how thesport stars were forming through the media and to find the influencing factors. Research methods include (or are) document analysis and in-depth interviews. The investigation starts from October, 2006 to May, 2012. Eight specialists who work in the field of professional baseball and media are recruited. . The results showed that the the most important factor to form a media sport star is the personality of player , including the outstanding levels of technical skill, personal fascination, and a sense of identity matched with social norm and social value. It is also the key issue for the media that they could create the topic to promote the sport star, and as well for the enterprise would sponsor the star or even elect him as a representative of the company. Otherwise, high publicity of the sport star can successfully increase the acceptance of the media and the enterprise to the public. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a mutualism relation between the sport star, the media, and the enterprise through the development of professional sport. Three suggestions are provided for the further study, 1th from academic research for each enterprises of the professional baseball team in Taiwan, its shape different from baseball marketing strategy of sports stars to do research. Recommendations on the second is on the development of sports industry in China, should gradually start building broker system or by the ball set up specialised brokerage Department, cooperation with the media, business, and seek government policy support, to the Taiwan development efforts should be made by professional sports. Third, baseball sports industry development in taiwan, it experience gambling scandal led to decline in overall industrial production value of baseball scenario,it must reflect carefully on how to recover the media executive guidelines of and trust.



媒體運動, 運動明星, 臺灣職業棒球, media campaigns, sports stars, Taiwan professional baseball





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