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附錄一 實驗組一書法藝術審美輔導教育教學課程大綱………220
附錄二 實驗組一書法藝術審美輔導教學活動設計……………223
附錄三 「書法藝術審美輔導教育研究」實驗教學申請書……235
附錄四 「書法藝術審美輔導教育研究」任課教師自述表……236
附錄五 (杜忠誥,民88)國立台灣師範大學「通識課程」
附錄六 「書法藝術審美輔導教育研究」學生問卷調查表
附錄七 「書法藝術審美輔導教育研究」學生問卷調查表
附錄八 「書法藝術審美輔導教學活動學習意見反映調查表」250
附錄九 思想開闊,器度恢宏──陳振濂教授來台辦展、講學
附錄十 好性情,寫好字──專訪磊翁夫子謝宗安先生………267
附錄十一 處理衝突情境檢核表…………………………………273
#章=Abstract #本文英= In view of the inadequate knowledge of calligraphy aesthetics<I2> and theory nowadays in Taiwan, the purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that calligraphy practice and creation help to stay calm and cultivate moral character from <I2> the research material of both past and contemporary calligraphy theories, along with <I2> recent experiment reports, and to explore its effects and results applied in the <I2> actual instructing activities of calligraphy aesthetics. #本文英= The main targets of this research are listed as follows: #1.英= 1.To inquire into the instructive theory of calligraphy aesthetics,<I2> and to design the instructive structure and strategies of calligraphy practice and appreciation education which are proper for the students of Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School #1.英= 2.To draft the evaluation standards of calligraphy appreciation <I2> education as the references for the estimation of the achievements of calligraphy practicing <I2> courses #1.英= 3.To investigate the issue that calligraphy appreciation education <I2> also yields the positive effects of voluntary learningand concentration for the students<I2> of Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School #本文英= The research deals with relating theories by means of "document <I2> analysis", and adopts the "accurate experiment methodology" to design the experimental <I2> instructive course. The objects of the study are selected from 140 students of the <I2> experiment group and 70 students of the control group in the Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance <I2> School. The total amount of experimented students is 210. They all took the preceding <I2> and succeeding tests of calligraphy aesthetics appreciation education, and <I2> all the members of the experimental group filled out the " Questionnaire of Calligraphy <I2> Aesthetics Guiding Activities". #本文英= After the experimental course for 12 weeks, I had collected <I2> the scores of both the preceding and succeeding tests, and dealt with these numbers through <I2> the statistic analyses of "common variables" and "frequency distribution", supplemented <I2> with the collective and individual observation records and Q&A of calligraphy-learning experience, in order to verify the various prepositions of my research. #本文英= Synthetically, the findings of the research are listed as follows: #本文英=A. the instructive theory of calligraphy aesthetics education #本英3= (a) Calligraphy aesthetics education covers the guidance of 4<I2> major fields, including calligraphy criticism, calligraphy history, aesthetics and study, <I2> and creation. By analyzing the nature and instructive mode of each field, it <I2> is obviously shown that for these students in Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School, to lecture the topic of calligraphy criticism with the support <I2> of anecdotes, and then proceed to the teaching of calligraphy history is a <I2> more probable way. It could encourage the students to learn calligraphy voluntarily. Especially in those activities which combine entertainment and instruction, students shall have more confidence in calligraphy-writing, and calm themselves imperceptibly in the interactions between teachers and students. #本英3= (b) analytical research on the curriculum structure and strategy<I2> of calligraphy aesthetics education: #本文英= 1. Curriculum structure: #本文英= The essential components of the calligraphy aesthetics education <I2> include students, calligraphy works, teachers and the teaching circumstances, and the orientation of the curriculum is the discipline-based of calligraphy aesthetics. Therefore, the importance of consistency, sequence and unity should be stressed in the design of teaching activities. Basically, Feedman's procedure of description, analysis, explanation and evaluation has been taken as the instructive mode. Besides, the catalysis effect of intellectual guidance activities have been added in the program. #本文英= 2. Instructive strategies: #本文英= The instructive strategies include observation, interrogation, discussion, comparison, inquiry, combination of calligraphy appreciation and creation, intellectual guidance activities, synthetic instruction, etc. Different teaching strategies can attract students' attention, and strengthen their visual perception and broaden their thoughts and frame of mind. #本文英=B. Evaluative standards of calligraphy aesthetics education #本英3= (a) The research aims to draft the evaluative standards of calligraphy aesthetics education, which include #1.英= 1.the recognition ability of calligraphy-learning, including<I2> the <I2> knowledge of basic calligraphic terminology and history #1.英= 2.the identification ability of calligraphy-learning, including <I2> <I2> the identification of the basic calligraphic terms and styles #1.英= 3.the aesthetic ability of calligraphy-learning, including the <I2> <I2> aesthetic knowledge of various calligraphy styles and schools #1.英= 4.the guiding ability of calligraphy-learning, including the <I2> concentrated ability acquired after taking the calligraphy aesthetics education #1.英= 5.the technical ability of calligraphy-learning, including the<I2> techniques of calligraphy studies and creation #本文英= (b) the identification ability of different calligraphy styles #本文英= The research is also to develop the identification abilities <I2> of different calligraphy styles, stylistic features of different schools, <I2> and the unique personal styles of various calligraphers. #1.英= 1.the identification ability of different calligraphy styles #1.英= 2.the identification ability of different styles in seal character #1.英= 3.the identificationability of different styles in official<I2> script #1.英= 4.the identification ability of different styles in regular script #1.英= 5.the identification ability of different styles in running hand #1.英= 6.the identification ability of different styles in cursive hand #本文英= By the analyses of its probability and efficiency, the results <I2> of the evaluation have much in relation. Hence, it is fully proved that the evaluative standards <I2> and methods of this test are suitable for the students in Tao-Yuan Juvenile <I2> GuidanceSchool while evaluating their achievements in the calligraphy aesthetics<I2> education. #本文英=C. The influence of the calligraphy aesthetics education upon the #本文英= students of Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School #本文英= (a) Effects of the calligraphy aesthetics education #本文英= The fact that the students of the Experiment Group 1 have acquired <I2> greater ability in calligraphy appreciation than those of the Experiment Group <I2> 2 and the Control Group indicates the truth that the application of integrated <I2> instructive method into calligraphy aesthetics education does have its<I2> influences on the guidance. Though there is discrepancy between the Experiment <I2> Group 2 and the Control Group, their difference is not so remarkable. #本英3= (b) analysis of recognition ability in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The recognition ability of the calligraphic basic terminology <I2> and history for the students of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised <I2> due to the experimental courses. #本英3= (c) analysis of identification ability in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The identifiaction ability of the calligraphic basic terminology<I2> and history for the students of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised <I2> due to the experimental courses. #本英3= (d) analysis of appreciation ability in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The appreciation ability of calligraphic works for the students <I2> of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised due to the experimental courses. #本英3= (e) analysis of the calligraphy-learning guidance in calligraphy <I2> aestheitcs education #本文英= As a result of some reasons, such as practice time less than<I2> 10 hours, the inaccessibility of the four treasures of the study and the <I2> sporadic performances of guiding activities, the prepositions of this research <I2> for the students of the Experiment Group 1 could not be fully supported <I2> and proven. #本英3= (f) analysis of calligraphic techniques in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The techniques of calligraphic studies and creation for the <I2> students of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised due to the experimental <I2> courses. #本英3= (g) analysis of the identification ability of different calligraphic<I2> styles in calligraphy aesthetics education #本文英= After the experimental courses, the students of the Experiment <I2> Group 1 have been able to identify different calligraphic styles, various <I2> styles and calligraphers in seal character, in official script, and in <I2> running hand. #本文英= However, the identification ability of various styles and calligraphers <I2> in regular script and in cursive hand has failed due to some instructive <I2> restrictions. #本文英=D. reflections of the questionnaires made in calligraphy aesthetics #本文英= education: #本文英= Judging from the questionnaires made by the students of the<I2> Experiment Group 1 in the calligraphy aesthetics guiding activities, 70% <I2> of these students hold positive attitude toward the guiding courses, which <I2> shows that the instructive activities have won the reception and recognition <I2> of the students in Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School. #本英3= (a) For the students in the Experiment Group 1, 70% of them have <I2> been fascinated with the rich instructive activities and exercises, and <I2> willing to think and judge in face with calligraphic works after the 12-week<I2> calligraphy aesthetics training courses. #本英3= (b) For the students in the Experiment Group 1 who have taken <I2> the 12-week calligraphy aesthetics training course, 66.7% of them feel <I2> their self- esteem and confidence increased; 48.3% of them claim to practice <I2> calligraphy voluntarily; 43.3% of them claim to visit calligraphy exhibitions <I2> voluntarily. #本文英= The researcher suggests that under the condition of long-term <I2> teaching and practices, they should have much more aspiration for calligraphy. #本英3= (c) For the students of the Experiment Group 1 who have taken<I2> the 12-week calligraphy aesthetics training course, 86.7% of them claim <I2> to increase their calligraphic terminology and vocabulary; 70% of them <I2> claim to strengthen their identification ability of various styles; 68.3% <I2> of them claim to have more confidence in writing calligraphy; 66.7% of <I2> them claim to enhance their skill of writing by brushes; 80% of them claim <I2> to achieve the stability of the mind. #本文英= These could best exemplify the slogan that "learning calligraphy <I2> gives guidance in one's abilities." #本英3= (d) For the students of the Experiment Group 1 who have taken <I2> the 12-week calligraphy aesthetics training course, 50% of them hope to <I2> continue this calligraphy aesthetics guiding activities; 68.4% of them <I2> claim to be able to appreciate works of calligraphy by the means of some <I2> calligraphy aesthetic perspectives. #本文英1=E. The authorities of the Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School intend <I2> to appoint formally the researcher tothe position as "Teacher of Calligraphy Aesthetics Guidance" in order to promote the education of calligraphy practice and appreciation. #本文英1=F. Finally, based on the discoveries and concerning documents<I2> cited above, the researcher wishes to provide comments about the calligraphy aesthetics guidance program and her further study in the future.
#章=Abstract #本文英= In view of the inadequate knowledge of calligraphy aesthetics<I2> and theory nowadays in Taiwan, the purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that calligraphy practice and creation help to stay calm and cultivate moral character from <I2> the research material of both past and contemporary calligraphy theories, along with <I2> recent experiment reports, and to explore its effects and results applied in the <I2> actual instructing activities of calligraphy aesthetics. #本文英= The main targets of this research are listed as follows: #1.英= 1.To inquire into the instructive theory of calligraphy aesthetics,<I2> and to design the instructive structure and strategies of calligraphy practice and appreciation education which are proper for the students of Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School #1.英= 2.To draft the evaluation standards of calligraphy appreciation <I2> education as the references for the estimation of the achievements of calligraphy practicing <I2> courses #1.英= 3.To investigate the issue that calligraphy appreciation education <I2> also yields the positive effects of voluntary learningand concentration for the students<I2> of Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School #本文英= The research deals with relating theories by means of "document <I2> analysis", and adopts the "accurate experiment methodology" to design the experimental <I2> instructive course. The objects of the study are selected from 140 students of the <I2> experiment group and 70 students of the control group in the Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance <I2> School. The total amount of experimented students is 210. They all took the preceding <I2> and succeeding tests of calligraphy aesthetics appreciation education, and <I2> all the members of the experimental group filled out the " Questionnaire of Calligraphy <I2> Aesthetics Guiding Activities". #本文英= After the experimental course for 12 weeks, I had collected <I2> the scores of both the preceding and succeeding tests, and dealt with these numbers through <I2> the statistic analyses of "common variables" and "frequency distribution", supplemented <I2> with the collective and individual observation records and Q&A of calligraphy-learning experience, in order to verify the various prepositions of my research. #本文英= Synthetically, the findings of the research are listed as follows: #本文英=A. the instructive theory of calligraphy aesthetics education #本英3= (a) Calligraphy aesthetics education covers the guidance of 4<I2> major fields, including calligraphy criticism, calligraphy history, aesthetics and study, <I2> and creation. By analyzing the nature and instructive mode of each field, it <I2> is obviously shown that for these students in Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School, to lecture the topic of calligraphy criticism with the support <I2> of anecdotes, and then proceed to the teaching of calligraphy history is a <I2> more probable way. It could encourage the students to learn calligraphy voluntarily. Especially in those activities which combine entertainment and instruction, students shall have more confidence in calligraphy-writing, and calm themselves imperceptibly in the interactions between teachers and students. #本英3= (b) analytical research on the curriculum structure and strategy<I2> of calligraphy aesthetics education: #本文英= 1. Curriculum structure: #本文英= The essential components of the calligraphy aesthetics education <I2> include students, calligraphy works, teachers and the teaching circumstances, and the orientation of the curriculum is the discipline-based of calligraphy aesthetics. Therefore, the importance of consistency, sequence and unity should be stressed in the design of teaching activities. Basically, Feedman's procedure of description, analysis, explanation and evaluation has been taken as the instructive mode. Besides, the catalysis effect of intellectual guidance activities have been added in the program. #本文英= 2. Instructive strategies: #本文英= The instructive strategies include observation, interrogation, discussion, comparison, inquiry, combination of calligraphy appreciation and creation, intellectual guidance activities, synthetic instruction, etc. Different teaching strategies can attract students' attention, and strengthen their visual perception and broaden their thoughts and frame of mind. #本文英=B. Evaluative standards of calligraphy aesthetics education #本英3= (a) The research aims to draft the evaluative standards of calligraphy aesthetics education, which include #1.英= 1.the recognition ability of calligraphy-learning, including<I2> the <I2> knowledge of basic calligraphic terminology and history #1.英= 2.the identification ability of calligraphy-learning, including <I2> <I2> the identification of the basic calligraphic terms and styles #1.英= 3.the aesthetic ability of calligraphy-learning, including the <I2> <I2> aesthetic knowledge of various calligraphy styles and schools #1.英= 4.the guiding ability of calligraphy-learning, including the <I2> concentrated ability acquired after taking the calligraphy aesthetics education #1.英= 5.the technical ability of calligraphy-learning, including the<I2> techniques of calligraphy studies and creation #本文英= (b) the identification ability of different calligraphy styles #本文英= The research is also to develop the identification abilities <I2> of different calligraphy styles, stylistic features of different schools, <I2> and the unique personal styles of various calligraphers. #1.英= 1.the identification ability of different calligraphy styles #1.英= 2.the identification ability of different styles in seal character #1.英= 3.the identificationability of different styles in official<I2> script #1.英= 4.the identification ability of different styles in regular script #1.英= 5.the identification ability of different styles in running hand #1.英= 6.the identification ability of different styles in cursive hand #本文英= By the analyses of its probability and efficiency, the results <I2> of the evaluation have much in relation. Hence, it is fully proved that the evaluative standards <I2> and methods of this test are suitable for the students in Tao-Yuan Juvenile <I2> GuidanceSchool while evaluating their achievements in the calligraphy aesthetics<I2> education. #本文英=C. The influence of the calligraphy aesthetics education upon the #本文英= students of Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School #本文英= (a) Effects of the calligraphy aesthetics education #本文英= The fact that the students of the Experiment Group 1 have acquired <I2> greater ability in calligraphy appreciation than those of the Experiment Group <I2> 2 and the Control Group indicates the truth that the application of integrated <I2> instructive method into calligraphy aesthetics education does have its<I2> influences on the guidance. Though there is discrepancy between the Experiment <I2> Group 2 and the Control Group, their difference is not so remarkable. #本英3= (b) analysis of recognition ability in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The recognition ability of the calligraphic basic terminology <I2> and history for the students of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised <I2> due to the experimental courses. #本英3= (c) analysis of identification ability in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The identifiaction ability of the calligraphic basic terminology<I2> and history for the students of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised <I2> due to the experimental courses. #本英3= (d) analysis of appreciation ability in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The appreciation ability of calligraphic works for the students <I2> of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised due to the experimental courses. #本英3= (e) analysis of the calligraphy-learning guidance in calligraphy <I2> aestheitcs education #本文英= As a result of some reasons, such as practice time less than<I2> 10 hours, the inaccessibility of the four treasures of the study and the <I2> sporadic performances of guiding activities, the prepositions of this research <I2> for the students of the Experiment Group 1 could not be fully supported <I2> and proven. #本英3= (f) analysis of calligraphic techniques in calligraphy aesthetics <I2> education #本文英= The techniques of calligraphic studies and creation for the <I2> students of the Experiment Group 1 has been raised due to the experimental <I2> courses. #本英3= (g) analysis of the identification ability of different calligraphic<I2> styles in calligraphy aesthetics education #本文英= After the experimental courses, the students of the Experiment <I2> Group 1 have been able to identify different calligraphic styles, various <I2> styles and calligraphers in seal character, in official script, and in <I2> running hand. #本文英= However, the identification ability of various styles and calligraphers <I2> in regular script and in cursive hand has failed due to some instructive <I2> restrictions. #本文英=D. reflections of the questionnaires made in calligraphy aesthetics #本文英= education: #本文英= Judging from the questionnaires made by the students of the<I2> Experiment Group 1 in the calligraphy aesthetics guiding activities, 70% <I2> of these students hold positive attitude toward the guiding courses, which <I2> shows that the instructive activities have won the reception and recognition <I2> of the students in Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School. #本英3= (a) For the students in the Experiment Group 1, 70% of them have <I2> been fascinated with the rich instructive activities and exercises, and <I2> willing to think and judge in face with calligraphic works after the 12-week<I2> calligraphy aesthetics training courses. #本英3= (b) For the students in the Experiment Group 1 who have taken <I2> the 12-week calligraphy aesthetics training course, 66.7% of them feel <I2> their self- esteem and confidence increased; 48.3% of them claim to practice <I2> calligraphy voluntarily; 43.3% of them claim to visit calligraphy exhibitions <I2> voluntarily. #本文英= The researcher suggests that under the condition of long-term <I2> teaching and practices, they should have much more aspiration for calligraphy. #本英3= (c) For the students of the Experiment Group 1 who have taken<I2> the 12-week calligraphy aesthetics training course, 86.7% of them claim <I2> to increase their calligraphic terminology and vocabulary; 70% of them <I2> claim to strengthen their identification ability of various styles; 68.3% <I2> of them claim to have more confidence in writing calligraphy; 66.7% of <I2> them claim to enhance their skill of writing by brushes; 80% of them claim <I2> to achieve the stability of the mind. #本文英= These could best exemplify the slogan that "learning calligraphy <I2> gives guidance in one's abilities." #本英3= (d) For the students of the Experiment Group 1 who have taken <I2> the 12-week calligraphy aesthetics training course, 50% of them hope to <I2> continue this calligraphy aesthetics guiding activities; 68.4% of them <I2> claim to be able to appreciate works of calligraphy by the means of some <I2> calligraphy aesthetic perspectives. #本文英1=E. The authorities of the Tao-Yuan Juvenile Guidance School intend <I2> to appoint formally the researcher tothe position as "Teacher of Calligraphy Aesthetics Guidance" in order to promote the education of calligraphy practice and appreciation. #本文英1=F. Finally, based on the discoveries and concerning documents<I2> cited above, the researcher wishes to provide comments about the calligraphy aesthetics guidance program and her further study in the future.
書法, 審美, 輔導, Calligraphy, Aesthetis appreciation, Guidance