
dc.contributorFang-Ying Yangen_US
dc.contributor.authorGu, Fu-Syuanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究的目的主要在探討九年級學生的閱讀信念、先備知識如何影響其閱讀科學短文後的理解表現。本研究利用Schraw與Bruning (1996)所發展的閱讀信念量表來測量學生的閱讀信念,包括作者傳達信念(transmission belief)以及讀者建構信念(transaction belief);而閱讀理解表現則採用Kintsch所提出之建構整合模式(construction-integration model)為基礎,統計字詞、命題、情境模式的數量;並依照Schraw (2000)的回應類型分類,將學生回答的內容分為主題、批判、個人等三類,再依回答深度分別給1~3分。然後,以敘述性統計、單因子變異數分析及卡方分析等方法來進行資料分析。研究對象為97位九年級學生,先請受試者填寫閱讀信念量表及主題先備知識測驗,接著進行科學短文的閱讀,最後再測驗其閱讀理解表現。 主要研究結果如下: (一)讀者建構信念強於作者傳達信念,兩者間達中度以上的正相關(t=13.42,p<0.01)。 (二)九年級學生對氣候變遷的先備知識得分屬常態分布。 (三)學生的內容理解表現在字詞與情境模式這兩個階層的表現較好,在命題階層的表現較差。但字詞階層與命題、情境模式階層並無顯著相關;而命題階層則與情境模式有負相關。 (四)學生所回應的情境模式內容多以主題回應為主,個人回應為輔,且普遍缺乏批判回應。另從回應內容發現,讀者的原有知識會影響回應內容,而原有知識很可能是錯誤概念。 (五)各項回應層次主要以中低階的層次一、二為主,少有較高階的層次三;整體的理解層次得分屬中間程度。 (六)先備知識與整體理解層次有顯著正相關,但與閱讀理解表現之相關詞彙數、概念數、想法數的相關性低。理解層次與想法數量達顯著正相關。 (七)閱讀信念得分的高低與閱讀理解表現之相關詞彙數、概念數、想法數、內容理解總量、回應類型的數量間的相關性偏低。 (八)閱讀信念類型與閱讀理解表現之相關詞彙數、概念數、想法數、內容理解總量、主題回應層次、批判回應類型、批判回應層次、個人回應類型、個人回應層次、整體理解層次間皆未達顯著相關,關聯性較低。 (九)閱讀信念類型與閱讀理解表現之主題回應類型達顯著相關;讀者建構信念偏高的閱讀信念類型(HH、HL)讀者會特別說明短文的訊息。 (十)讀者建構信念較高的學生在整體理解層次的表現屬高理解層次。 最後,則針對研究結果以及研究過程中所遇到的問題,提出討論及建議,作為教學上及未來研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to explore how ninth grade students’ reading beliefs and background knowledge affect text comprehension after reading a science text. This research applied the Reader Belief Inventory (RBI, developed by Schraw and Bruning, 1996) to measure students’ transmission and transaction beliefs. According to Kintsch’s CI model, this research took count of the surface code, the textbase, and the situation model written by students. Then, situation models were grouped into three response categories: thematic, critical, and personal (Schraw, 2000), and scored from Level 1 to 3. The obtained data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson chi-square. Ninty-seven ninth grade students completed the RBI and background knowledge test, read a science text, and then completed the reading comprehension test. The major findings are listed as follows: 1. Participants’ transaction beliefs were stronger than transmission beliefs. The two scales were significantly correlated(t=13.42,p<0.01). 2. The score of students’ background knowledge was a normal distribution. 3. The surface code was not significantly correlated to the textbase and the situation model, but there was a negative correlation between the later two. 4. Students generated more thematic responses than personal responses, and few critical responses. Students’s responses were effected by their background knowledge which might be misconcept. 5. Most responses were scored at Level 1 or 2, less was scored at Level 3. Holistic comprehension score was mid-level. 6. Background knowledge was significantly correlated to holistic comprehension level, not to the numbers of related words, concepts, and ideas. The numbers of ideas effect for the holistic comprehension level also reached significance. 7. There was a low correlation between score of reader beliefs and the numbers of related words, concepts, ideas, and response type. 8. Reader belief type was not significantly correlated to numbers of related words, concepts, ideas, and thematic level, critical response, critical level, personal response, personal level, and holistic level. 9. Reader belief type was significantly correlated to thematic response. High-transaction readers would elaborate 10. High-transaction students constructed high level holistic comprehension. Finally, according to the conclusions and of this research, some recommendations were made on teaching and future research.en_US
dc.subjectreading beliefsen_US
dc.subjectscience texten_US
dc.subjectreading comprehensionen_US
dc.titleExploring Ninth Grade Students' Reading Beliefs and Science Text Comprehensionen_US

