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本研究旨在探討臺灣男同志的親密暴力受暴創傷類型與憂鬱之相關,並探求因應策略對於受暴創傷類型和憂鬱間的調節效果。本研究採用網路問卷調查法進行施測,共收案182位本國籍、年齡為20歲以上、性傾向為男同志或男雙性戀者的非愛滋感染者及愛滋感染者,並曾於三年內有發生親密伴侶暴力經驗者。問卷內容包含「個人基本資料」、「親密暴力量表」、「憂鬱量表」以及「因應策略量表」,所收案資料經由SPSS統計軟體,以描述性統計、信度分析、卡方檢定、皮爾森積差相關分析,以及階層迴歸等統計方式進行資料分析及假設驗證。研究發現如下: 1.人口背景變項方面,182位研究參與者中,年齡介於31歲至40歲的人數較多;性傾向以男同志最多;是否感染愛滋的人數中,非愛滋感染者及愛滋感染者的人數相近;研究參與者的教育程度大多數有大學或專科學歷以上;月收入為3萬以上佔多數,而大部分的研究參與者皆有宗教信仰。 2.受暴創傷類型方面,以性暴力最多,其次依序為情緒與言語暴力、跟蹤監控、肢體暴力、權力控制及與愛滋相關暴力。受暴憂鬱方面,以中度憂鬱人數最多,其次依序為重度憂鬱、沒有或極少憂鬱。受暴之因應策略方面,以宣洩因應人數最多,其次依序為尋求情緒支持因應、尋求工具支持因應、分心因應及物質使用因應。 3.從肢體暴力、性暴力、監控,和不同因應策略交互作用後,對憂鬱之調節效果影響來看,肢體暴力方面,研究參與者的肢體暴力與分心因應交互後,會增加其憂鬱。性暴力方面,研究參與者的性暴力與接受因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱。監控方面,研究參與者的監控與分心因應交互後,會增加其憂鬱、監控與主動因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱。 4.從權力控制、情緒與言語暴力,和不同因應策略交互作用後,對憂鬱之調節效果影響來看,權力控制方面,研究參與者的權力控制與否認因應交互後,會增加其憂鬱、權力控制與行為逃避因應交互後,會增加其憂鬱、權力控制與宣洩因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、權力控制與自責因應交互後,會增加其憂鬱、權力控制與工具支持因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、權力控制與正向重釋因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、權力控制與接受因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱。另,情緒與言語暴力方面,在研究參與者的情緒與言語暴力和工具支持因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、情緒與言語暴力和正向重釋因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、情緒與言語暴力和計畫因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、情緒與言語暴力和接受因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱。5.從多重受暴創傷類型和不同因應策略交互作用後,對憂鬱之調節效果影響來看,研究參與者的多重受暴創傷類型與工具支持因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、多重受暴創傷類型與正向重釋因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱、多重受暴創傷類型與接受因應交互後,會減少其憂鬱。
This study aims to explore the correlation between types of intimate partner violence (IPV) trauma and depression among Taiwanese gay men, and to investigate the moderating effects of coping strategies on the relationshipbetween trauma and depression. The study employed an online survey method, collecting data from 182 participants who are Taiwanese nationals, aged 20 and above, and identified as gay or bisexual men, including both non-HIV-infected individuals and those with HIV infection, who had experienced intimate partner violence within the past three years. The questionnaire included sections on"Basic Demographic Information," " IPV-GBM Scale," " CES-D-10," and "The Berif COPE." Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software, employing descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, chi-square tests, Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression to analyze the data and test hypotheses. The research findings are as follows: 1.Regarding demographic variables, among the 182 participants, the majority were aged between 31 and 40. Gay men constituted the highest proportion interms of sexual orientation. The numbers of non-HIV-infected and HIV-infected individuals were comparable. Most participants had at least a college or associate degree, with a majority having a monthly income of 30,000 or more. Additionally, a significant portion of the participants reported having a religious affiliation.2.In terms of types of traumatic experiences, sexual violence was the most prevalent, followed by emotional and verbal abuse, stalking, physical violence, power control, and violence related to HIV. In terms of the impact of violence on depression, moderate depression was the most common, followed by severe depression, with a smaller number reporting no or minimal depression. As for coping strategies in response to violence, emotional expression was the most frequently reported, followed by seeking emotional support, seeking instrumental support, distraction coping, and substance use coping.3.Analyzing the interaction effects between different types of violence (physical, sexual, monitoring) and coping strategies on depression, it was found that, in the case of physical violence, the interaction between physical violence and distraction coping increased depression. For sexual violence, the interaction between sexual violence and acceptance coping decreased depression. In terms of monitoring, the interaction between monitoring and distraction coping increased depression, while the interaction between monitoring and active coping decreased depression.4.Examining the interaction effects between power control, emotional and verbal abuse, and coping strategies on depression, it was observed that, in the case of power control, the interaction between power control and denial coping increased depression, while the interaction with behavioral disengagement coping increased depression. However, interactions with venting coping and tool-supported coping decreased depression, as did interactions with self-blame coping, tool-supported coping, positive reframing coping, and acceptance coping. Regarding emotional and verbal abuse, interactions with tool-supported coping, positive reinterpretation coping, planning coping, and acceptance coping all decreased depression.5.Analyzing the interaction effects between multiple types of traumatic experiences and coping strategies on depression, it was found that interactions between multiple traumatic experiences and tool-supported coping, positive reinterpretation coping, and acceptance coping all decreased depression.



男同志, 受暴創傷類型, 憂鬱, 因應策略, gay, IPV trauma types, depression, coping strategies





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