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  雲之所以迷人,我想就在於它的沉默,悄悄地來也悄悄地走。本創作論述聚焦於雲系列作品,在創作主題核心與理念上,繪畫「雲之彼端」有三種形式表現的系列,分為天地悠悠雲山水療癒系列、凌晨半點藍系列、抽象抒情系列等三個系列,畫面展現筆者對雲霞多年的觀察與描摹,以及對山水濃厚的情誼,透過視覺語彙,以繪畫形式尋找可表達情感的另一種可能性。   論述主要探討平面繪畫創作,嘗試各種形式:水彩創作輔以複合媒材、超越畫框的固有限制以及經營畫外空間......,將內在體驗作整合,反芻過後的思緒凝聚於意識,成為藝術創作的核心,筆者的創作著重於心靈體驗的部分,以物像傳遞訊息,精神性在其中流轉。   藉由西方美學研究,探討雲在古典時期與現代繪畫之差異,從陪襯配角變為主角,於畫面中扮演不同的角色關係,以及雲的本身能夠創造的各種可能性象徵主義與符號學,並談論禪境與哲學的發展關聯性。後面關於精神分析與藝術章節,則以佛洛依德的對藝術領域的觀點作為探討的起始點,闡述繪畫與心理意識的關係,以及如何藉由創作行為獲得情感上的抒發。
A drifting cloud is fascinating because it arrives without any fanfare and leaves in the same fashion. The discourse focuses on a series of works with respect to clouds. The “Drifting Clouds” series has 3 styles of paintings showing the artist’s keen observation of clouds and his love of nature. “A Moment in Endless Horizons Time「Clouds. Mountains. Aqua. 」 The Art of Healing ,Slightly Blue Before Dawn ,Expression of the Abstract” . Author uses painting as an alternative channel to express his feeling visually. He uses various forms to explore the creative process: mixed media watercolor, breaking the boundaries of the frame, building emotions…, providing an integrated experience that brings ideas into consciousness which becomes the core driving force of his artistic engine. The artist utilizes visual imagery to open a communication passage emphasizing the spiritual experience. After studying Western aesthetics, he looks into the differences in the use of clouds between classical art and contemporary art: the gradual shift from a supporting bit to a leading role, its importance of symbolism, and the relevance of its relationship to zen and the development of philosophy. In the following chapters on spiritual analysis and art, we use Freud's viewpoints on art as a starting point to discuss the relationship between painting and conscious awareness, and inner expression through one’s creative process.



孤獨, 療癒, 內在, 圖像嫁接, 精神性, solitude, healing, inner, image grafting, spirituality





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