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本研究旨在探討新北市某國中學生網路使用情況、網路使用動機、人際關係與網路成癮之相關研究。本研究採取問卷調查方式,問卷參考陳淑惠網路成癮問卷、廖家和人際關係問卷、廖家和網路使用動機量表以及相關問卷和相關文獻集結而成。於2012年12月隨機抽樣抽取該校每年級各五班作為研究樣本,共有510位學生參與,回收460份有效問卷,經統計分析後,茲將本研所得結論歸納如下: 一、整體受試樣本之網路使用活動之三名為「社群網站」、「線上影音」及「搜尋/下載資料」;網路使用動機前三名為「作為娛樂」、「打發時間」及「從網路上立即知道最新消息」。因此,研究對象上網主要以社交/消遣為主。 二、網路人際關係互動較高的學生有較高的網路成癮傾向。 三、研究對象不同之性別、主要上網地點、學業表現與整體網路成癮及各層面皆達顯著差異。 四、研究對象網路使用時間及網路使用年數越長,網路成癮傾向越高。 五、研究對象個人背景因素、網路使用行為、網路使用動機及人際關係對網路成癮具有顯著預測力,聯合解釋變異量為46.1%
The purpose of this study is to examine the interrelationship among internet usage, motivation for internet using, Interpersonal and Internet addiction on Junior High School students in New Taipei City. The study was conducted through Random Sampling in one Junior High School students in New Taipei City. Questionnaires encompass the Basic Data and Internet Using Behavior Questionnaire, Motivation for Internet Using Scale, Interpersonal Scale, Chinese Internet Addiction Scale-Revised(CIAS-R) and so on. Questionnaires were conducted in one Junior High School students in New Taipei City in December of 2012. There were 510 students participating in the study, complete with 460 valid samples. The result is summarized as following: 1.The top 3 of the use of Internet by the objects on the study are’’ Community Website’’,’’ Online video’’, Search and download data’’. ; the top 3 of Internet use motivation are ‘’amusing only’’ , ‘’Killing time’’ and ‘’Immediately know the latest news from the network’’ . The use of the Internet is as social and entertainment. 2.Students with higher internet interpersonal interaction were more inclined to have internet addiction. 3.The abstracts that differ in gender , location of the Internet use and academic performances have significantly differences in Internet addiction. 4.The longer time and years the abstracts have, the higher Internet-addicted tendency is. 5.The significant prediction on Internet addiction is revealed in personal background factors, the use of Internet, motivation for internet using and interpersonal. There are used to explain 46.1% variance of Internet-addicted tendency.



網路成癮, 人際關係, 網路使用行為, 國中學生, Internet addiction, interpersonal, Internet usage, students





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