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本研究旨在探討結合跨文化服務學習的視覺藝術課程之實踐經驗,對服務者、被服務者及研究者帶來的成效與省思,過程中採用兩個循環的行動研究,首先探討在尼泊爾LLES(Lighting the Life English school)海外服務學習新建校舍美化工程的藝術實踐,第二個循環探討藝術才能班學生回應LLES的F.B.xO.S.(Free Bus x Our Style)的畢業專題募款活動。研究者關注其中發生的問題、解決策略及成效進行分析與省思。根據研究結果獲致的結論如下:
This study aimed at exloring the educational impact of integrating cross-cultural service learning with visual arts curriculum on service-providers, service receivers, and the researhcer.It was done through two rounds of action research and field studies. During the first round, the action research investigation was conducted at LLES school site during July, 2013 and January, 2016 on collaboration of classroom design and decoration. The second round was done to investigate the F.B.x O.S.graduation fund-raising project by specially-talented art class at Shun-Tien elementary school in April-May, 2016. The program results were analyzed on problems found, educational solutions, and learning effectiveness. The findings include: 1.The practice of A/r/tography has enabled students to collaborate together on taking action, motivating learning, and creating constructive edcuational meanings. This will further empower and enrich the total effect of visual arts curriculum development and structure. 2.Cross-cultural visual arts service learning should sitaute itself in the community as its classroom site, consider the local people as source of value reference, and include the local culture's visual characteristics and assests. 3.Visual arts currciulum that aimed at service learning has transformed students into active learners, compassionate service-providers, social change initiators and student leaders who have in turn promoted cross-cultural visual arts communication and influence. 4.Integrating visual arts with social action research has encouraged more continuous reflection and complex critical thinking on educational impact, leadership-building, and team-building. It will encourage students' awareness on enhacning social justice and peace-making. 5.Integrating service learning with visual arts curriculum will make educational impacts deeper and last longer well beyond class duration and school space.This study has shown that the service-learning-enriched visual arts curriculum responds well with the primary goals of National K-12 Arts Curriculum Standards.Integrating the two different educational objectives together will be a deciding factor that determines the future success of overall educational progress and qualities of our nation. 6.The two rounds of action research have proved to be educationally critical for future direction. First of all, during the 7-9 years period of LLES program, the visual art education should be an important cotinuous element in order to cultivate and develop asthetic education of students and the local community.F.B.x O.S.The art exhibition and fund-raising will expand learning beyond school and community, and will develop the idea of social business and the concept of global citizenship for students. Finally, the researcher has offered the following suggestions regarding art education: 1.How the teachers of LLES program, the practicing teachers, and the Chinese Rock Leadership Association should modify and improve; 2.How future researchers and teacher practitioners can do on exploring such educational projects. Keywords: art curriculum、service learning、action research、A/r/tography
This study aimed at exloring the educational impact of integrating cross-cultural service learning with visual arts curriculum on service-providers, service receivers, and the researhcer.It was done through two rounds of action research and field studies. During the first round, the action research investigation was conducted at LLES school site during July, 2013 and January, 2016 on collaboration of classroom design and decoration. The second round was done to investigate the F.B.x O.S.graduation fund-raising project by specially-talented art class at Shun-Tien elementary school in April-May, 2016. The program results were analyzed on problems found, educational solutions, and learning effectiveness. The findings include: 1.The practice of A/r/tography has enabled students to collaborate together on taking action, motivating learning, and creating constructive edcuational meanings. This will further empower and enrich the total effect of visual arts curriculum development and structure. 2.Cross-cultural visual arts service learning should sitaute itself in the community as its classroom site, consider the local people as source of value reference, and include the local culture's visual characteristics and assests. 3.Visual arts currciulum that aimed at service learning has transformed students into active learners, compassionate service-providers, social change initiators and student leaders who have in turn promoted cross-cultural visual arts communication and influence. 4.Integrating visual arts with social action research has encouraged more continuous reflection and complex critical thinking on educational impact, leadership-building, and team-building. It will encourage students' awareness on enhacning social justice and peace-making. 5.Integrating service learning with visual arts curriculum will make educational impacts deeper and last longer well beyond class duration and school space.This study has shown that the service-learning-enriched visual arts curriculum responds well with the primary goals of National K-12 Arts Curriculum Standards.Integrating the two different educational objectives together will be a deciding factor that determines the future success of overall educational progress and qualities of our nation. 6.The two rounds of action research have proved to be educationally critical for future direction. First of all, during the 7-9 years period of LLES program, the visual art education should be an important cotinuous element in order to cultivate and develop asthetic education of students and the local community.F.B.x O.S.The art exhibition and fund-raising will expand learning beyond school and community, and will develop the idea of social business and the concept of global citizenship for students. Finally, the researcher has offered the following suggestions regarding art education: 1.How the teachers of LLES program, the practicing teachers, and the Chinese Rock Leadership Association should modify and improve; 2.How future researchers and teacher practitioners can do on exploring such educational projects. Keywords: art curriculum、service learning、action research、A/r/tography
視覺藝術課程, 服務學習, 行動研究, A/r/tography, art curriculum, service learning, action research, A/r/tography