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本研究以2019年Bölte等人發表的自閉症國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統簡要版核心碼編擬「高中自閉症學生活動參與」問卷作為研究工具,研究目的係透過問卷調查法,蒐集高中自閉症學生在活動參與現況,了解其需要被支持的需求,研究結果將作為高中資源班教師應用於課程設計之參考依據,研究問卷的表面效度由4位專家學者、5位高中職教師及2位自閉症家長進行審核,並通過內部一致性信度為.07以上,以全臺灣高中自閉症學生為研究對象,採立意取樣,共發放300份問卷,共回收261份問卷,其中256份為有效問卷,全數納入分析,以SPSS 23.0進行分析。以描述性統計及卡方檢定了解不同性別、不同學校類型、不同年級及不同智力表現對自閉症學生現況進行差異分析。研究結果如下:高中自閉症學生在各項度活動參與現況,平均得分多介於「同意」和「不同意」之間,活動參與支持需求高到需求低分別為「管理執行事務」、「表達溝通能力」、「公民生活規劃」、「生涯準備態度」、「人際互動關係」、「學習應用知識」及「獨立生活能力」。在不同背景變項差異分析中,推論統計卡方檢定結果顯示,不同性別多無顯著差異;不同學校類型,技術型高中學生的需求高於普通型高中,高達七成達顯著差異的項度為「學習應用知識」;不同年級,高一學生的需求多高於高二和高三,然而在預測假設性情境為高三需求高於其他兩個年級;不同智力表現,智力表現70-85自閉症學生需求皆大於其他智力表現的學生,然而在面對新情境與突發狀況時,不論智力表現高低皆有較高的需求需要師長的支持與協助。根據研究結果提出研究限制與建議,將提供特殊教育教師課程教學參考,並於文末詳述提出未來研究方向與特殊教育教學策略。
A “Participation Survey Questionnaire” that was designed based on the the Autism Youth ICF (International Classification of Health, Function and Disability" ) Core Set was used to investigate the needs of support of the high school students with autism in the domain of participation. The face validity of the questionnaire was examined by three experts and scholars, five high school teacher and two parents of students with autism. The internal consistency was confirmed by a Chronbach alpha of .07. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed, a total of 261 responses were recovered, and 256 valid questionnaires were collected. All the valid responses were analyzed descriptively and Chi-square analysis was used to examined the influences of sex, types of high schools, IQ level, and year of education on the needs of support in activity participation. SPSS 23.0 statistical software package was used for all statistical analysis.The results of this study were listed as the following:The average subscale scores are mostly between"agree" and "disagree", indicating that there are still relevant needs in many aspects of activitie participation in high school students with autism. The needs of support of participation in activities from high to low are "management and execution of daily tasks", "expression and communication ", "civic life planning", "career preparation attitude", "interpersonal interaction", "learning applied knowledge" and "independent living ability". The chi-square test results show that there is no significant difference between different genders. The needs of support in activity participation in vocational high school students are higher than those of general high schools, and up to 70% of the"learning knowledge application” items was different significantly. The needs of support in participation of grade one students are higher than those of grade two and grade three; but the needs of grade three are higher than those of the other two grades in predicting hypothetical situation. for different intelligence performance, The needs of support in participation in autistic high school students with intelligence performance of 70-85 are higher than others. However, the needs of support inmanageing the new situations and emergencies were high in all students regardless of the level of intellectual performance.Future research and education strategies were proposed based on the results at the ended of the thesis.
A “Participation Survey Questionnaire” that was designed based on the the Autism Youth ICF (International Classification of Health, Function and Disability" ) Core Set was used to investigate the needs of support of the high school students with autism in the domain of participation. The face validity of the questionnaire was examined by three experts and scholars, five high school teacher and two parents of students with autism. The internal consistency was confirmed by a Chronbach alpha of .07. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed, a total of 261 responses were recovered, and 256 valid questionnaires were collected. All the valid responses were analyzed descriptively and Chi-square analysis was used to examined the influences of sex, types of high schools, IQ level, and year of education on the needs of support in activity participation. SPSS 23.0 statistical software package was used for all statistical analysis.The results of this study were listed as the following:The average subscale scores are mostly between"agree" and "disagree", indicating that there are still relevant needs in many aspects of activitie participation in high school students with autism. The needs of support of participation in activities from high to low are "management and execution of daily tasks", "expression and communication ", "civic life planning", "career preparation attitude", "interpersonal interaction", "learning applied knowledge" and "independent living ability". The chi-square test results show that there is no significant difference between different genders. The needs of support in activity participation in vocational high school students are higher than those of general high schools, and up to 70% of the"learning knowledge application” items was different significantly. The needs of support in participation of grade one students are higher than those of grade two and grade three; but the needs of grade three are higher than those of the other two grades in predicting hypothetical situation. for different intelligence performance, The needs of support in participation in autistic high school students with intelligence performance of 70-85 are higher than others. However, the needs of support inmanageing the new situations and emergencies were high in all students regardless of the level of intellectual performance.Future research and education strategies were proposed based on the results at the ended of the thesis.
高中生, 自閉症, 活動參與, General and vocational high school, Autism, Activities participation needs