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本研究旨在探討大學生背景因素、身體活動量與健康檢查結果、健康體適能之關係。以某大學98 學年度大學部新生為母群體,六個學院,共計1,510 人,以學院為抽樣單位,以分層集束隨機抽樣法進行抽樣。研究工具包括: (一)結構式問卷:含括個人背景資料及身體活動量調查,其中身體活動量調查乃採用國健局之國際身體活動量表長版-台灣中文版,為身體活動評量工具。 (二) 健康檢查資料:以該校98學年度健康檢查資料卡部分檢查項目資料為評量工具,包括血壓、三酸甘油脂、膽固醇及尿酸。 (三)健康體適能,包括身體組成、肌力、肌耐力、柔軟度、心肺適能。 共發出368 份身體活動量問卷,回收332 份(回收率為90.2%),填寫完整問卷為307 份,將完整問卷與該樣本之健康體適能資料、健康檢查資料進行整合,剔除資料不完整之樣本,實際分析樣本數為262 份。重要研究結果歸納如下: (一) 身體活動量因性別、自覺運動量之不同而有顯著差異,男生身體活動量高於女生,自覺運動量足夠者之身體活動量高於自覺運動II量不足者。 (二) 性別、自覺健康狀況及自覺運動量之不同,其整體健康體適能表現有顯著差異,男性優於女性,自覺健康狀況好的健康體適能優於自覺健康狀況普通的,自覺運動量足夠者優於自覺運動量不足者。 (三) 不同性別的健康檢查結果有顯著差異,女生的健康檢查結果比男生的檢查結果趨近正常值。 (四) 身體活動總量與健康體適能、健康檢查總分呈現顯著正相關,身體活動總量越多者,其健康體適能表現越佳,健康檢查結果越趨於正常值。 (五) 研究對象性別與身體活動量,對健康體適能的解釋力為24.6%,達顯著水準。 (六) 研究對象性別與身體活動量,對健康檢查結果解釋力為24.6%,達顯著水準。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among background factors, physical activity capacity, health examination and health - related physical fitness result of National university students. The total sample 1510 student populations were collected under the enrollment in the 98th academic year from six different colleges. The study sample population was required by the stratified random sampling. The researchtools included (1) a stratified questionnaire – include personal background data and physical activity capacity examination (2) physical evaluation data- data collected based on blood pressure、triglyceride、cholesterol and uric acid (3) health – related physical fitness – include the component of physical、the power of muscle, ...etc. The study had sent out 368 physical activity capacity questionnaires, deleted some of them are incomplete data, eventually, and the effective questionnaires were 262. The major empirical findings of this study were as follows: 1. The gender and perceived exercise amount of the subject had a significant effect on physical activity capacity, both the physical activity IV capacity of the male is higher than the female and the perceived exercise amount of the subject is also higher than the not perceived exercise amount of the subject. 2. The gender, perceived health situation and perceived exercise amount indicates the significant different levels, the male is better than the female, the health - related physical fitness of perceived health situation better one is superior to the usual one. 3. Thegender of health evaluation results indicates that the female student examination report were significantly better than those of the male and easy to approach the normal criteria value. 4. The physical activity capacity, health-related physical fitness and health evaluation total score were all shows significant positive correlation respectively, the more of physical activity capacity the better performance and easy to approach the normal criteria of health-related physical fitness and health evaluation results. 5. Both the gender and physical activity capacity were attain to the significant level to the health-related physical fitness. 6. Both the gender and physical activity capacity were attain to the significant level to the health evaluation results.



身體活動量, 健康檢查, 健康體適能, Physical activity capacity, health evaluation, health-related physical fitness





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