
dc.description.abstract本研究主要目的是基於研究者身處教學現場並在不影響教學進度下,參考國內外理財教育課程內涵,設計適當的理財教學單元及活動,希望透過理財教育課程的實施及學生在實施過程中的學習反應與回饋,來探究該理財教育課程在國中實施的教學成效。本研究於九十九學年度第一學期進行,並以四個八年級班級為研究對象,設計出六節的理財教育課程,實際地將課程於班級中實施,以行動研究的方法,不斷修正與改良所設計的課程,研究者亦從研究的過程中獲得反思與成長。本研究所進行與「金錢管理」領域相關之理財課程主題有:理性消費、計畫儲蓄、預算擬定、金錢規劃、個人理財態度及理財責任等。 本研究根據研究結果及分析,得到的結論如下: 一、在設計國中學生『金錢管理』領域的理財教育課程方面 研究者依據分析出的重要概念,設計六個單元的教學活動,分別為:「我是消費高手」、「我是大富翁」、「預算我最行」、「我的夢想地圖」、「金錢你我他」及「理財新『責』學」。 二、在『金錢管理』領域的理財教育課程實施之成效方面 課程實施後,學生自覺能夠將理財觀念付諸實踐於日常生活中。 三、在理財教育課程實施的問題方面 研究者在進行本研究課程實施所遭遇的問題有:課程教材設計、課程實施時間、學校設備不足及教師教學現場狀況等。 最後根據結論,研究者提出日後實施理財課程以及從事後續相關研究的參考建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to examine the implementation effects of financial education curriculum for junior high school students. In order to fulfill the purpose of this research, referring to domestic and foreign financial education curriculum, designing appropriate teaching modules and activities of financial management, the researcher check the implementation of financial education programs, and as well as the response, feedback of learning from students, based on researcher being in the teaching scene but not affecting the progress of teaching. This study proceeded in the first semester of 2010. Four 8th-grade classes were selected as research objects and Action Research was adopted for this study. In this study, we designed six financial education curriculums and practiced them in the classes actually. By amending and improving the curriculums, the researcher also gained reflection and growth from this study. The topics of financial education curriculum of money management undertaken in the study are rational consumption, savings plans, budget formulation, financial planning, personal financial attitudes and financial responsibility. Through the analysis and findings of this study, results are generalized as follows: 1. For designing financial education curriculum of money management Based on the six most important concepts analyzed form this study, the researcher designed six financial education courses: "I am a consumer expert.”, "I'm Monopoly.", "Budget Best", "My Dream Map", "Money You and Me ", and "New Financial Responsibility ." 2.For examining the effectiveness of the implementation of financial education curriculum of money management After finishing learning, students can consciously put into practice the concepts of financial management in daily life. 3. For the difficulties in the implementation of financial education curriculum In the process of this study, the problems of curriculum implementation researcher occurred are: the design of curriculum materials, the length of the course, the lack of school equipment, and the conditions of teaching on-site. Finally, according to the conclusions, the researcher provided some suggestions for the curriculums and the related researches in the future.en_US
dc.subjectfinancial educationen_US
dc.subjectaction researchen_US
dc.subjectmoney managementen_US
dc.titleAn action research of curriculum implementation of financial education in junior high school : a case study of money managementen_US

