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目的:更年期婦女因荷爾蒙的變化,容易產生身體及心理症狀;處於更年期階段的職業婦女除面臨更年期症狀外,在工作的壓力環境下,更易引發壓力或其他情緒障礙,進而造成健康問題。近年來瑜伽被西方國家列為慢性疾病的輔助替代療法之一,但國內研究瑜伽對更年期職業婦女身心症狀成效關注較少,本研究旨在探討有無參與瑜伽更年期職業婦女在心理相關症狀和睡眠品質之差異,提供更年期職業婦女規劃健康促進之參考。方法:本研究針對臺灣各縣市40至64歲更年期職業婦女,進行不記名網路問卷調查,並以「憂鬱焦慮與壓力量表中文版(DASS-21-C) 」、「匹茲堡睡眠品質量表中文版CPSQI」及「更年期症狀評估量表(MRS-TC)」為測量工具,總計回收問卷318份,去除無職業及無效問卷,有效問卷共計260份。結果:本研究調查結果發現,瑜伽組及其他運動組在更年期憂鬱、焦慮等症狀程度顯著低於無運動組,但在壓力、睡眠品質方面,瑜伽組、無運動組及其他運動組無顯著差異。結論與建議:本研究調查結果顯示更年期職業婦女規律的參與瑜伽或其他運動,較少有更年期憂鬱、焦慮等不適的症狀,基於此研究結果建議婦女規律練習瑜伽或其他運動,以改善更年期階段的心理相關症狀,提升生活品質,減少更年期階段困擾。
Purpose:Menopausal women are prone to physical and psychological symptoms due to hormonal changes. In addition to menopausal symptoms, working women in this stage face workplace stress, making them more susceptible to stress and other emotional disorders, leading to health problems. In recent years, yoga has been recognized as an alternative complementary therapy for chronic diseases in Western countries. However, domestic research on the effects of yoga on the physical and psychological symptoms of menopausal working women is limited. This study aims to explore the differences in psychological symptoms and sleep quality between menopausal working women who participate in yoga and those who do not, providing a reference for health promotion planning for menopausal working women. Methods:This study targeted menopausal working women aged 40 to 64 from various counties and cities in Taiwan, using an anonymous online questionnaire. A total of 318 participants filled out questionnaires, with 260 valid data after excluding non-working and invalid responses. The"Chinese Version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21-C)", "Chinese Version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (CPSQI)", and the "Menopause Rating Scale (MRS-TC)" were used as measurement tools. Results:The results revealed that the yoga group and other exercise groups had significantly lower levels of menopausal depression and anxiety symptoms compared to the non-exercise group. However, there were no significant differences among the yoga, other exercise, and non-exercise groupsin terms of stress and sleep quality. Conclusion and Suggestions:The findings of this study indicate that regular participation in yoga or other exercises by menopausal working women is associated with fewer symptoms of menopausal depression and anxiety. Based on these results, it is recommended that women regularly practice yoga or other exercises to improve psychological symptoms during the menopausal stage, enhance quality of life, and reduce menopausal distress.
Purpose:Menopausal women are prone to physical and psychological symptoms due to hormonal changes. In addition to menopausal symptoms, working women in this stage face workplace stress, making them more susceptible to stress and other emotional disorders, leading to health problems. In recent years, yoga has been recognized as an alternative complementary therapy for chronic diseases in Western countries. However, domestic research on the effects of yoga on the physical and psychological symptoms of menopausal working women is limited. This study aims to explore the differences in psychological symptoms and sleep quality between menopausal working women who participate in yoga and those who do not, providing a reference for health promotion planning for menopausal working women. Methods:This study targeted menopausal working women aged 40 to 64 from various counties and cities in Taiwan, using an anonymous online questionnaire. A total of 318 participants filled out questionnaires, with 260 valid data after excluding non-working and invalid responses. The"Chinese Version of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-21-C)", "Chinese Version of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (CPSQI)", and the "Menopause Rating Scale (MRS-TC)" were used as measurement tools. Results:The results revealed that the yoga group and other exercise groups had significantly lower levels of menopausal depression and anxiety symptoms compared to the non-exercise group. However, there were no significant differences among the yoga, other exercise, and non-exercise groupsin terms of stress and sleep quality. Conclusion and Suggestions:The findings of this study indicate that regular participation in yoga or other exercises by menopausal working women is associated with fewer symptoms of menopausal depression and anxiety. Based on these results, it is recommended that women regularly practice yoga or other exercises to improve psychological symptoms during the menopausal stage, enhance quality of life, and reduce menopausal distress.
瑜伽, 更年期, 心理症狀, 睡眠品質, yoga, menopause, psychological symptoms, sleep Quality