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本研究之主要目的是探討大學生的身體意象、自我寬容與健身運動行為之關係,並檢驗自我寬容在身體意象預測健身運動行為的調節效果。研究對象為國內大專院校,合計共十一所大專院校學生為研究參與者。參與者共計408名大學生,其中男性197位,女性211位,平均年齡為20.32歲。研究工具包含個人基本資料、身體意象量表、自我寬容量表與健身運動參與行為量表。統計方法為描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 考驗、多元階層迴歸,所得結果如下:(一) 在不同性別大學生身體意象、自我寬容與健身運動行為差異中,男性大學生身體意象與女性大學生沒有顯著差異。身體意象中的外表取向女性大學生顯著高於男性大學生。在自我寬容差異中,男性大學生自我寬容與女性大學生沒有顯著差異。自我寬容中普遍人性與正念,女性大學生顯著高於男性大學生;過度認同男性大學生顯著高於女性大學生。在健身運動行為差異中,男性大學生健身運動行為顯著高於女性大學生,並且運動次數、運動頻率以及激烈程度,也是男性大學生顯著高於女性大學生。(二) 在大學生身體意象、自我寬對及健身運動行為之預測方面,大學生身體意象無法顯著的預測健身運動行為;另外大學生的自我寬容能夠正向預測健身運動行為。最後,大學生的自我寬容對於身體意象預測健身運動行為有調節作用存在。自我寬容程度高的大學生不論身體意象高低,都有高的健身運動行為;另外,在自我寬容高且身體意象低的大學生健身運動行為顯著高於自我寬容低且身體意象低的大學生。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among body image, self-compassion and exercise behavior of university students. Participants were 408 (197 males and 211 females) college students recruited from eleven college in Taiwan, Average age of participants was 20.32 years. The participants were asked to complete self-report questionnaires that included personal information questionnaire, body image perception questionnaire, self-compassion scale and exercise participation behavior questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. Results of the study were summarized as below: (1) In terms of the gender differences on body image, there were no significant differences on composite score of body image in different gender students. However, the body image of appearance orientation of the female students is significantly higher than the male college students. In terms of the gender differences on self-compassion, there were no significant differences on composite score of self-compassion in different gender students. However, self-compassion of common humanity and mindfulness, female college students were significantly higher than male college students. While, in over-identification, male college students were both significantly higher than female college students. In terms of the gender differences on exercise behavior, Moreover, in the times of exercise, male college students were both significantly higher than female college students. the exercise frequency and the fierce of degree, male college students were also significantly higher than female college students. (2) In terms of the predictive utility of body image and self-compassion on exercise behavior, body image couldn’t predict the exercise behavior, self-compassion positively predicted exercise behavior. Moreover, self-compassion had a moderating effect between body image and exercise behavior. Specifically, High self-compassion students reported more exercise behavior regardless of high or low body image. High body image students reported more exercise behavior regardless of high or low self-compassion. However, students who were low self-compassion and low body image reported less exercise behavior than low self-compassion and high body image students.



自我友善, 普遍人性, 正念, self-kindness, common humanity, mindfulness





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