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本研究旨在探討傳統市場對高齡者在地老化之意涵,藉由立意抽樣的方式,選取10位常至木柵地區傳統市場之高齡者,經由深度訪談與參與觀察,了解長者眼中的傳統市場。對文本進行分析後,歸納出28項傳統市場對高齡者之意義,其中最主要的為「外出的動機」、「提供完善的生活機能」以及「維持社會參與」;此外,傳統市場對高齡者在地老化的意涵包含 (一) 提供並保持熟悉的環境;(二) 提供在地支持生活系統;(三) 正反方並存以突顯安全、受尊重的經驗;(四) 可供高齡者訓練並維持其生活能力;(五) 充分且多元的社會參與機會。由研究結果可知,傳統市場提供高齡者一定的生活支持,在傳統市場的部分,建議改善環境、保存傳統市場的特色與熟悉感,並在傳統市場內加入健康保健觀念之推廣;在推行在地老化的部分,建議更加重視原有支持在地老化的場域,並提供健康、亞健康高齡者較佳的在地老化環境。
The research is to explore the meaning of the aging in place exemplified by the traditional market. The qualitative research method is adopted by using in-depth interview and participant observation. Ten older adults who are above 65 years old and usually go to traditional markets in Muzha area were purposive selected. Study result showed that the traditional market plays an important role and can be attributed to three benefits among their life span, including (a) it acts as a motivation for older adults to go out, (b) provides a perfect system for living functioning, and (c) maintains the opportunity for social engagement. In addition, the traditional market could meet the need for the older adult to be aging in place. For instance, the traditional market is an environment to provide the sense of familiarity, and could be a part of the locally life support system. Otherwise, the older adult can gain the respect and sense of safety by the positive or negative experience in the market, and provide lots of opportunities for them to practice their ability for daily life. The traditional market could support fully and various occasions for social engagement. However, the traditional market could provide better support for the older adult by advancing the physical environment, maintaining old features that are familiar with the older adult. , and disseminating the information related to the health promotion. It is expected that there will be more traditional local setting in the neighborhood, and we should do more research to keep the older adult aging in place.
The research is to explore the meaning of the aging in place exemplified by the traditional market. The qualitative research method is adopted by using in-depth interview and participant observation. Ten older adults who are above 65 years old and usually go to traditional markets in Muzha area were purposive selected. Study result showed that the traditional market plays an important role and can be attributed to three benefits among their life span, including (a) it acts as a motivation for older adults to go out, (b) provides a perfect system for living functioning, and (c) maintains the opportunity for social engagement. In addition, the traditional market could meet the need for the older adult to be aging in place. For instance, the traditional market is an environment to provide the sense of familiarity, and could be a part of the locally life support system. Otherwise, the older adult can gain the respect and sense of safety by the positive or negative experience in the market, and provide lots of opportunities for them to practice their ability for daily life. The traditional market could support fully and various occasions for social engagement. However, the traditional market could provide better support for the older adult by advancing the physical environment, maintaining old features that are familiar with the older adult. , and disseminating the information related to the health promotion. It is expected that there will be more traditional local setting in the neighborhood, and we should do more research to keep the older adult aging in place.
在地老化, 傳統市場, 木柵, aging in place, traditional market, Muzha