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苗栗縣苑裡鎮的蕉埔社區,座落於火炎山自然保留區山腳下,擁有豐富的自然生態與傳統客家人文資源,建造埤塘與擷取地下伏流水的「塭窟」,以及農田田埂和住家建築基腳使用疊石保護,形成特殊的文化景觀,是與大自然共生的聚落單元。然而隨著時代演變、經濟與產業的發展,以及人口老化、土地休耕、產業活化、傳統智慧凋零、農業水利遺址破壞等問題,社區的傳統文化逐漸流失。本研究目的為了解蕉埔社區農村聚落生態及文化景觀資源空間分布關係,以及居民社經背景對里山倡議精神認同、生態系統服務之內涵重視程度之差異,並藉由居民對生態系統服務重視集群探討與里山精神之關係。本研究首先透過文獻回顧了解里山倡議精神以及生態系統服務,同時進行環境資源調查,將社區之歷史文化景觀及特殊的水利系統設施整理及分析,並透過在地居民以及相關人士的訪談,了解社區土地對於人的回憶與意義、信仰、活動與期望,以及對於地方之生態環境及歷史文化景觀之保存態度,再以問卷調查分析蕉埔社區居民對里山精神的認同與生態系統服務內涵之重視程度。 研究結果顯示,(1)居民對於傳統文化逐漸消失感到無力,年輕一代為了生活離開農村社區到城市打拼,而蕉埔社區的水池、魚池、卵石田埂不僅是重要的水利及農作生產設施,更是珍貴的文化景觀資源及田間動植物的農村生態棲地;而居民對里山精神認同以及生態系統服務的重視程度有顯著差異,(2)越年輕與教育程度越高之社區居民,較認同透過永續管理和使用生物資源,從而適當的維護生物多樣性之里山倡議理念,(3)並且較重視蕉埔社區生態系統服務的生物多樣性、優質的生態環境以及供給服務,其中蕉埔國小藝術發展課程強化了生態系統之美學服務功能,(4)研究發現里山精神與生態系統服務有顯著的相關性;(5)生態系統服務重視集群之社經背景不同對里山精神認同程度也有所差異,生態系統服務高重視群與環境供給重視群主要也以年輕居民組成,由此可知社區中青壯年的居民,已成為發展台灣里山社區之重要關鍵。研究建議能以生態旅遊、儀式、環境教育、技藝傳承等活動提升居民對農村生態保育與傳統文化景觀保存的認同感及認知,並且藉由里山倡議之願景提出蕉埔社區規劃與保存策略,如推廣生態友善農業、與相關機構協同經營…等,落實農村生態環境、生產、生活文化三者之間的平衡,實踐以自然資源永續利用與傳統文化資源維持人與自然和諧共處的里山願景。
Jiau-Pu community in Yuanli Township, Miaoli County County, is near the Huoyanshan Nature Reserve, and is rich in natural ecology and traditional Hakka cultural. With the ponds, the "caves" which store the groundwater, the stone-stacked farmland ridges and bases of the building, a special cultural landscape has been formed, it’s a settlement unit which is symbiotic with nature. However, as time goes by and with the development of economy and industry, the ageing population, the fallow, the industrial activation, the disappearance of traditional knowledge, the destruction of agricultural water conservancy facilities sites, etc., the traditional culture of the community is gradually lost. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to understand the spatial distribution of ecological and cultural landscape resources of rural community in the Jiau-Pu community, the difference between residents’ socioeconomic status, recognition of the spirit of Satoyama Initiative and important of ecosystem services to explore the relationship between the clusters of ecosystem services and the spirit of Satoyama. Through the residents important of ecosystem services to discuess the relationship between the clusters of ecosystem services and the spirit of the Satoyama. First, understand the spirit of the Satoyama Initiative and ecosystem services by literature review, and investigate the environmental resources, organizes and analyzes the historical and cultural landscapes of the community and the special water conservancy facility system. And interview the local residents and relevant people to understand the memories, meanings, beliefs, activities and the expectations of the community for residents, as well as the attitudes of the preservation of local ecological environment, historical and cultural landscapes, and then, analyze the residents’ recognition of the spirit of Satoyama Initiative and degree of important of ecosystem service in the Jiau-Pu community by questionnaires. The results are: (1) residents feel helpless about the gradual disappearance of traditional culture. The young people left to work in cities. The pools, the fish ponds and the stone-stacked farmland ridges in Jiau-Pu community are not only important water and farming production facilities, but also precious cultural landscape resources and rural ecological habitats of animals and plants. There is significant difference between the recognition of Satoyama spirit and the important of ecosystem services for the residents. (2) The younger and higher-educated residents are more likely to agree with the concept of maintaining the biodiversity of Satoyama Initiative by the sustainable management and the use of biological resources. (3) And they consider the biodiversity, high-quality ecological environment and supply services of the ecosystem services in Jiau-Pu community. Among that, the art development program of Jiau-Pu Elementary School strengthened the aesthetic service function of the ecosystem. (4) It was found that there was a significant correlation between Satoyama spirit and ecosystem services. (5) The clusters with different socioeconomic status, their recognition of the Satoyama spirit is also different. The clusters of high-level consideration of ecosystem services and environmental supply are mainly consisted of young residents in the community, and they are the important key of developing Satoyama community in Taiwan. The suggestion is to enhance residents' recognition and awareness of rural ecological conservation and preservation of traditional cultural landscapes by ecotourism, rituals, environmental education, and passing down art heritages. Propose the planning and conservation strategies of the Jiao-Pu community with the vision of the Satoyama Initiative, such as environment-friendly agriculture and operation with relevant institutions, etc. To balance the ecological environment, the production and the life culture, and practice the vision of Satoyama which maintain s the harmony between human and nature by the sustainable use of natural resources and traditional cultural resources.



里山倡議, 水利設施, 農村社區, Satoyama Initiative, water conservancy facilities, rural communities





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