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  Action research approach was used to examine the learning effects of Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU). The teachers’ questioning techniques and the students’ perspectives on TGfU were further examined to improve teacher’s thinking about teaching process. The participants were thirty 7th graders with 17 boys and 13 girls. Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) was used in pretest and posttest during the 8 sessions of volley ball instruction using TGfU approach. Teaching activities and questioning techniques were continually revised to reach the learning achievement and teaching effectiveness. The GPAI scores were analyzed by pair-samples t test. The qualitative data were collected through teachers’ teaching diary, reflections notes, students’ learning sheet and interviews and analyzed using content analysis. The results were: (1) Students had made significant progress on game performance after TGfU instructions. (2) Teacher asked 48.59% closed questions and 51.40% open questions with 29.96% of factual closed questions and 24.30% of explanatory open questions. (3) Most of the students showed the ability to think and act through these questions. They showed interest in TGfU and believed they had the ability to answer these questions. (4) Action research enhanced the ability of the teacher to reflect to improve questioning techniques and effectiveness in TGfU teaching. The findings of this study showed that the types of questions asked could enhance students learning in game rules and strategies, thus improved their interest and problem solving ability. The teacher’s professional knowledge and skill were also greatly improved. The findings could be used as a base of reference for both research and practical endeavor.



理解式球類教學法, 發問技巧, 行動研究, 排球, 學習成效, TGfU, questioning techniques, action research, volleyball, learning effects





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