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每當敵人佔領了新征服地,往往需要地方人士出面合作,代為管理站領地,這在人類的戰爭史中比比皆是。在中國歷史上的八年抗戰中,曾經有達13個省份淪陷,自然也有許多的地方菁英與日本人合作,成為「協力者」。然而這群抗戰時期的協力者,在華人世界的傳統認知中被視為是背叛民族的「漢奸」,對於了解其歷史中更豐富的面向,遂受到了限制。而本文正是試圖對其於歷史上的身影進行發掘,並鎖定以南京淪陷後日本扶植成立的「南京市自治委員會」進行研究。 在名聞遐邇的「南京安全區」對百姓的庇護,已成為眾人津津樂道的一段歷史之同時,民眾要能從區後的鐵絲網走回家,則有賴於自治委員會協力者維持市政,對戰爭進行善後,改善民眾的生活。究竟在這個南京淪陷歷史中一個短暫,也較少被人探討的時期,戰爭對於南京社會造成什麼影響?而這群鮮少被人提及的自治會協力者,對南京秩序的重整作出多大的努力?正是我欲探討的核心問題。 本研究首先由南京的城市特性與南京大量人口於戰時滯京談起,繼之逐步點出戰爭對南京社會帶來的變化,以及市民之心理,最後則關注於南京安全區的失能與南京大屠殺的發生。 本文也處理協力者在南京的產生之課題,除了關注日軍於江蘇省的宣撫概況外,筆者也從南京淪陷初期慈善家的遭遇切入探討,指出協力者於亂世中具有的意義,並論及紅卍字會陶錫三會長與日人接洽之過程。而日本扶植自治會成立後,乃採取斷糧的方式力求解散讓南京成為「空城」的安全區,而其中自治會所扮演圓融解散安全區的角色,亦是本文欲描述的重點。 論文後半則聚焦於自治會的行政措施,追問其如何與地方社團通力合作,取代安全區原有的賑濟功能,與其在(一)糧食供應 (二)重建職場與交易市場 (三)受理市民請願等民政上的具體作為,以及南京基礎設施的重建。本論文最後,則關注於自治會晚期已出現因為中日戰爭長期化,而對南京社會造成的根本性變革。
It seems very often in the history that the enemy conquer the new territory and collaborate with the local people in the territory. This phenomenon also can be seen in the Second Sino-Japanese War, when the thirteen provinces occupied by Japanese army and loco elites became to the collaborator. However, we treat the collaborator like ‘Hàn jiān, ’ the traitor who betray the nation during the war time, in the traditional interpretation of Chinese history and it will be the barrier when we explore more aspects about the collaborator during the war time China. Therefore, I am trying to make the image of collaborator clear and learn more about it. In this thesis, I chose to research the Nanjing Autonomous Committee of Municipal (Tze Chin Wei Yuan Hwei) after the Rape of Nanjing. It is well-known that the Nanjing Security Zone protects the civilians when the Nanjing has fallen. Nonetheless, the people of the city still need to go back home and start a new life under the Japanese occupation. Therefore, the collaborator from the Nanjing Autonomous Committee of Municipal become very important that maintains the municipal administration of the fallen Nanjing. What I try to figure out is the war’s impact on Nanjing society and the efforts of the Nanjing Autonomous Committee of Municipal trying to reform the orders of the city.



南京市自治委員會, 協力者, 南京大屠殺, 南京淪陷, Nanjing Autonomous Committee of Municipal (Tze Chin Wei Yuan Hwei), collaborator, Rape of Nanjing, fallen Nanking





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