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National Taiwan Normal University Department of Human Development and Family Studies
National Taiwan Normal University Department of Human Development and Family Studies
本文目的在於探討高中家政課程之理念基礎,並闡述課程綱要之發展歷程,以落實高中家政課程綱要之精神。 民國九十一年修訂高中課程,家政課程小組在課程綱要修訂過程中,經過審慎的討論,架構出以「生於家的學習與成長、離開家的自立與發展、組成新家的創造與經營」三個發展階段爲縱座標,以「關係與愛、生活管理、生活實務」三個主題面向爲橫座標的九宮格面貌之高中家政課程綱要。 整個過程於九十二年十月完成。在參考各國之家政課程之後,建構綱要架構,邀請課程專家召開聯席會議,修訂內容,並以問卷代替公聽會方式,取得意見資料,整理後再修課程綱要架構。
The purpose of this paper is to state the foundation of home economics curriculum theories and the process of the revision of curriculum guideline, in order to help readers to understand the spirit of the revised curriculum. In the year of 2002, the revision of senior high school curriculum was taken place in Taiwan. A team of home economics specialists was organized and went through a series of discussion. The purpose was to construct a framework of home economics curriculum. A 3X3 framework was developed. The X-coordinate is categorized according to three stages of life development: (1) growing up in the home of origin, (2) leaving home and learn to be independent, (3) preparing for your marriage and family. The Y-coordinate is categorized in three dimensions: (1) love and relationship, (2) home management, (3) family life application. After reviewing the literature and constructing the framework, the team also held a joint meeting with some curriculum specialists. A questionnaire survey was also conducted to collect opinions from home economics teachers. The process was completed in October, 2003.
The purpose of this paper is to state the foundation of home economics curriculum theories and the process of the revision of curriculum guideline, in order to help readers to understand the spirit of the revised curriculum. In the year of 2002, the revision of senior high school curriculum was taken place in Taiwan. A team of home economics specialists was organized and went through a series of discussion. The purpose was to construct a framework of home economics curriculum. A 3X3 framework was developed. The X-coordinate is categorized according to three stages of life development: (1) growing up in the home of origin, (2) leaving home and learn to be independent, (3) preparing for your marriage and family. The Y-coordinate is categorized in three dimensions: (1) love and relationship, (2) home management, (3) family life application. After reviewing the literature and constructing the framework, the team also held a joint meeting with some curriculum specialists. A questionnaire survey was also conducted to collect opinions from home economics teachers. The process was completed in October, 2003.