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本研究從地方本位教育的實務工作中開始,以研究者的工作團隊「善步地方教育工作室」在天母推動的地方本位教育課程為起點。本研究運用Smith(2002)提出的地方本位教育的文化研究、自然研究、解決真實問題、工作現場實習、參與社區發展與公民議題五個重要取向為架構,以聯合國所提供的未來發展原則-永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals,[SDGs])為依歸,蒐集關於天母地區各面向的資料,並訪談天母在地重要團體及地方人士,發展天母地區的地方本位教育重要的教育內涵,並編製一份審議問卷,邀請天母地區重要的地方人士以及當地學校環境教育業務職掌的老師們填寫問卷,判斷其重要性及他們對於各重要內涵的想法,最後統整、修改成天母地區之地方本位教育內涵。 此研究產出天母地區的地方本位教育內涵共19條,文化研究6條,自然研究4條,解決真實問題2條,工作現場實習2條,參與社區發展與公民議題5條。文化研究、自然研究、解決真實問題較有交集,工作現場實習、參與社區發展與公民議題則有爭議較大且分數較低。
This study is inspired by environmental education in praxis, starting from the environmental programs offered by the researcher’s own working group, Good Step: Place-Based Education Studio in Tianmu. This study uses the five dimensions of place-based education (cultural studies, nature studies, real world problem solving, internships and entrepreneurial opportunities, and induction into community) proposed by Smith (2002) as its guiding framework. The researchers look into the above aspects in the research field and ask important community figures what content they believe is important for place-based education in Tianmu. Additionally, applicable development principles offered by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) produced at the United Nation’s 2012 Sustainable Development Conference were chosen as the theoretical basis for designing a questionnaire, which was distributed to important community members in Tianmu, as well as school administrators and teachers in charge of environmental education, in order to analyze what they believed this educational content. This study is focused on place-based education, and uses data collection, interviews and surveys to produce a set of place-based education content based in Tianmu’s local resources. Through these place-based education programs, school children in Tianmu will enhance their sense of place, citizenship/civic consciousness, and environmental literacy, and recognize their place as part of the community and environment.



地方, 地方本位教育, 天母, place, place baced education, Tianmu





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