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本研究主要從學生學習權與勞動權的角度出發,並以大專餐旅科系學生對校外實習之看法為核心,分析技職體系高教化後,有關餐旅科系之校外實習制度,其規劃意旨、課程設計及回饋檢核機制等。探討大專餐旅科系學生的學習權與勞動權意涵,再藉由其校外實習經驗,分析學生學習權與勞動權益於校外實習制度上的保障情形,最後歸納出本研究之結論,並做出給予日後實施校外實習單位的參考建議。 根據研究結果發現,受訪者從校外實習中學習到最多的,是人際關係的處理與對餐旅業界的深入瞭解,認為校外實習的實施,確實有縮短學用落差的效果,讓受訪者能提早適應未來的工作職場。另外,有關學生校外實習過程中的權益保障,在學習權部分,有受最基本之保障,而勞動權保障則有待加強,仍需透過政府機關、學校、實習合作機構與學生的共同合作,促進大專餐旅科系學生校外實習權益保障的實踐。
The study begins from the perspectives of students’ learning and labor rights, and focuses on the hospitality-major college students’ view on off-campus internships. It will then analyze the impact brought by higher technical and vocational education on the off-campus internships for hospitality-major college students, such as the planning purpose, curriculum design and feedback mechanism. We would explore the meaning of hospitality-major college students’ learning and labor rights. Through their off-campus internship experience, we will analyze the protection of their rights. Finally, we will draw the conclusion of this study and make suggestion for off-campus internship institution. According to the research results, we discover that the interviewees learn greatly of managing interpersonal relationships and have a more profound understanding of the hospitality industry. It shows that off-campus internships could indeed improve the gap between learning and applying, and enable the interviewees to adapt to the future workplace in advance. In addition, regarding the protection of rights during off-campus internships, students enjoy the basic protection on their rights of learning, while their labor rights leave room for improvement. It would be mandatory to cooperate with government, schools, internship institutions, and students in order to facilitate the protection of rights for hospitality-major college students during off-campus internships.



大專學生, 餐旅科系, 校外實習, 學習權, 勞動權, 質性訪談, College students, Hospitality-major department, Off-campus internships, Learning rights, Labor rights, Qualitative interview





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