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間隔效應是指練習過程中或保留測驗之前,透過間隔的介入,能有效促進學習。本研究以不同的間隔形式介入特定性練習中,觀察間隔之介入對空間性動作的表現與學習之影響。在特定性練習組別中,依據檢驗不同形式之間隔效應的目的,招募42名慣用右手之成年人,隨機分派至「特定」、「特定+間隔」、「序列變異」三組。經手臂外展之均質性考驗確認三組無起始行為差異後,進行線性移動實驗工作。本研究之依變項為絕對誤差(AE) 與變異誤差(VE) ,獲得期與保留測驗採獨立樣本單因子變異數分析。結果發現,在動作表現方面,「特定」組的AE值顯著低於「序列變異」組與「特定+間隔」組;「特定」組與「特定+間隔」組的VE值顯著低於「序列變異」組。在動作學習方面,「特定+間隔」組的AE值顯著低於「序列變異」組與「特定」組;「序列變異」組的AE值亦顯著低於「特定」組;三組在保留測驗的VE值則未達顯著差異。本研究的結論:(1)具有間隔介入之特定性練習,在動作的準確性與穩定性方面,無助於空間性的動作表現。(2)具有間隔介入之特定性練習,在動作的準確性方面,有助於空間性的動作學習。
Spacing effect is the introduction of space during practice or before retention test that can effectively promote learning. This study investigated practice of specificity effect on spatial movement performance and learning when different forms of space were introduced in the practice of specificity. To examine different forms of spacing in the practice of specificity groups, forty-two right hander adults were randomly assigned to three groups (specificity, specificity and space, and serial practice ). Homogeneity was confirmed through outward arm movement test among three groups before proceeding to linear positioning experimental tasks. Absolute error (AE) and variable error (VE) were designed as dependant variables. One- way ANOVA was used to examine movement performance in acquisition. The results indicated that the AE value of specificity group was significantly lower (p< .05) than serial practice group and specificity + space group; The VE value of specificity group and specificity + space group were significantly lower (p < .05) than serial practice group. In retention test of learning effect: The AE value of specificity + space group was significantly lower (p < .05) than serial practice group and specificity group; the AE value of serial practice group was significantly lower (p < .05) than specificity group. The AE value of three groups in retention had no significantly difference (p > .05). The conclusion of this study: (1) the accuracy and stability of movement of specificity practice that had interfered space did not increase the spatial movement performance; and (2) The accuracy of movement of specificity practice had interfered space increased the spatial motor learning.
Spacing effect is the introduction of space during practice or before retention test that can effectively promote learning. This study investigated practice of specificity effect on spatial movement performance and learning when different forms of space were introduced in the practice of specificity. To examine different forms of spacing in the practice of specificity groups, forty-two right hander adults were randomly assigned to three groups (specificity, specificity and space, and serial practice ). Homogeneity was confirmed through outward arm movement test among three groups before proceeding to linear positioning experimental tasks. Absolute error (AE) and variable error (VE) were designed as dependant variables. One- way ANOVA was used to examine movement performance in acquisition. The results indicated that the AE value of specificity group was significantly lower (p< .05) than serial practice group and specificity + space group; The VE value of specificity group and specificity + space group were significantly lower (p < .05) than serial practice group. In retention test of learning effect: The AE value of specificity + space group was significantly lower (p < .05) than serial practice group and specificity group; the AE value of serial practice group was significantly lower (p < .05) than specificity group. The AE value of three groups in retention had no significantly difference (p > .05). The conclusion of this study: (1) the accuracy and stability of movement of specificity practice that had interfered space did not increase the spatial movement performance; and (2) The accuracy of movement of specificity practice had interfered space increased the spatial motor learning.
間隔效應, 練習特定性假說, 變異練習, 序列練習, spacing effect, specificity of practice hypothesis, variable practice, serial practice