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研究發現: (一)自我效能、外在動機以及精熟取向對於學習者的自我語言能力評估有顯著影響。(二)後設語言知識、自制力、自我閱讀能力評估、以及內在動機則對語言成就有顯著的影響 (三)自我效能對於自我能力評估的影響力最大,後設語言知識則對語言成就最有預測力。(四)自制力為抑制變項,能使內在動機的預測力由不顯著變為顯著。
Metalinguistic knowledge is defined as learners’ explicit knowledge about the rules and grammatical terms of the target language and is important in language learning. However, many former studies presented inconsistent findings about the relationship between metalinguistic knowledge and L2 performance. Besides, affective factors like motivation and self-regulation were seldom included in previous research. L2 performance in the present study is determined as learners’ own perceptions of their proficiency and actual language achievement to examine different factors that may contribute to the two dimensions of L2 performance. Thus, the present study aims to investigate the relationships between metalinguistic knowledge, motivation, self-regulation, self-perceived proficiency and language achievement. 279 2nd-grade students from a senior high school in central Taiwan were invited to participate in the study. They were asked to evaluate their proficiency on the four language skills, finish the self-regulation and motivation questionnaires, and complete a metalinguistic knowledge test, which was established by the researcher herself. All the data were analyzed with correlation and hierarchical regression models. The findings showed that: (1) motivational components such as self-efficacy, extrinsic motivation and mastery orientation had a strong influence on self-perceived proficiency; (2) metalinguistic knowledge and self-regulation held a significant predictive power on language achievement; (3) self-efficacy was found to be the best predictor of self-perceived proficiency and metalinguistic knowledge had the strongest predictive power on language achievement; (4) self-regulation was a suppressor variable which altered the predictive power of intrinsic motivation on language achievement.
Metalinguistic knowledge is defined as learners’ explicit knowledge about the rules and grammatical terms of the target language and is important in language learning. However, many former studies presented inconsistent findings about the relationship between metalinguistic knowledge and L2 performance. Besides, affective factors like motivation and self-regulation were seldom included in previous research. L2 performance in the present study is determined as learners’ own perceptions of their proficiency and actual language achievement to examine different factors that may contribute to the two dimensions of L2 performance. Thus, the present study aims to investigate the relationships between metalinguistic knowledge, motivation, self-regulation, self-perceived proficiency and language achievement. 279 2nd-grade students from a senior high school in central Taiwan were invited to participate in the study. They were asked to evaluate their proficiency on the four language skills, finish the self-regulation and motivation questionnaires, and complete a metalinguistic knowledge test, which was established by the researcher herself. All the data were analyzed with correlation and hierarchical regression models. The findings showed that: (1) motivational components such as self-efficacy, extrinsic motivation and mastery orientation had a strong influence on self-perceived proficiency; (2) metalinguistic knowledge and self-regulation held a significant predictive power on language achievement; (3) self-efficacy was found to be the best predictor of self-perceived proficiency and metalinguistic knowledge had the strongest predictive power on language achievement; (4) self-regulation was a suppressor variable which altered the predictive power of intrinsic motivation on language achievement.
後設語言知識, 動機, 自制力, 自我語言能力評估, 語言成就, metalinguistic knowledge, motviation, self-regulation, self-perceived proficiency, language achievement