貼圖角色代言人特性對品牌權益與購買意願之影響性研究-以LINE App為例

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隨著行動裝置的普及,全球行動APP使用量呈現高度的成長,其中即時通訊APP更遠超過其他類型的APP,熱門程度由此可見。而在臺灣,LINE App憑藉其原創虛擬角色代言人,如:熊大、兔兔、饅頭人、詹姆士..等,以其生動可愛的貼圖,成功攻下臺灣即時通訊App市場的第一名,將角色行銷發揮地淋漓盡致。 這些虛擬角色是如何發揮代言人效益?擁有哪些特質?是否有助於提昇LINE的品牌權益,進一步影響到消費者購買意願?…等相關議題,此為本研究之動機與目的。本研究針對臺灣的LINE App使用者,以網路問卷進行實證研究,共收到638筆問卷回覆,有效問卷595筆,再經由描述性統計、信度效度檢驗、相關分析、多元迴歸分析、路徑分析…等統計分析結果來驗證假設。 本研究結果發現: 一、LINE角色代言人的「討喜性」、「故事性」對消費者購買意願有顯著的正向影響。 二、LINE角色代言人的「討喜性」、「故事性」、「實用性」、「適配性」對品牌權益之「品牌忠誠度與知覺品質」有顯著的正向影響;「討喜性」、「實用性」、「適配性」對品牌權益之「品牌知名度與聯想度」有顯著的正向影響。 三、品牌權益對消費者購買意願有顯著的正向影響。 四、品牌權益在角色代言人特性與消費者購買意願之間具有部份中介效果。
With the popularity of portable devices, the adoption of global mobile APPs has been highly booming. Among them Instant Messaging APP has been far from other types of APPs, which obviously shows its hit. In Taiwan, LINE App has successfully taken up the most market , ranking the first, through the original Spokes-Characters, like Brown, Cony, Moon, ad James, etc, and lovely animated stickers, which truly exemplifies character marketing. How do these Spokes-Characters show the effects? What characteristics do they own? Whether do they really help improve the Brand Equity of LINE and further have impacts on purchase intention? Those questions have been regarded as the motive and the purpose of the research. The research is aimed at the LINE App users in Taiwan with the mean of questionnaires on the Net to conduct the empirical study. There were 638 copies of questionnaires collected from the respondents, 595 copies of which were effective. Then the descriptive statistics have been done and the reliability and validity have been examined. The result has also been analyzed by Descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, Path Analysis in order to prove the hypothesis. The findings of the research as follows: 1.The “Likability” and “Storytelling” of the LINE Spokes-Characters have positive impacts on consumer purchase intention. 2.The “Likability”, “Storytelling”, “Usefulness” and “Match-Up” of the LINE Spokes-Characters have positive impacts on “brand loyalty and perceived quality” to Brand Equity. The “Likability”, “Usefulness” and “Match-Up” have positive impacts on “brand awareness and brand association” to Brand Equity. 3.Brand Equity has positive impacts on consumer purchase intention. 4.The relationship between characteristics of the LINE Spokes-Characters and consumer purchase intention is partially mediate affected by Brand Equity.



即時通訊軟體LINE, 虛擬角色代言人, 品牌權益, 消費者購買意願, LINE App, Spokes-Character, Brand Equity, Consumer Purchase Intention





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