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Chung-Chiao Lu,Sai-Ching Chang
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Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
Graduate Institute of Library and Information Studies
面對網際網路、知識瞬息萬變、無遠弗屆的時代,閱讀已成為提升現代人生活與工作能力不可或缺的關鍵。閱讀應有完整的規劃與策略,使閱讀成為人們生活的一部分,這是政府主動營造、供給全民社會福利的一環。本文以國立臺中圖書館為例,探討多年來在推動閱讀運動的具體作法。透過對全國公共圖書館營運困境的了解,提出從根基解決推動閱讀的困難之道;以及為2012 年轉型,更名為國立公共資訊圖書館,國中圖在館藏充實,館員專業素養的提升,閱讀氛圍的營造與環境設備升級,資訊工具與應用技能的與時俱進等方面的具體策略與實施。
To face this instant changing worldconnected by the Internet, reading literacyhas been a key to facilitate work ability andlife standard. Reading literacy is initiated bythe government as a part of social welfare. Itis necessary to have complete planning andgood strategies to reach this goal and makereading habit become people’s part of life.This study takes National Taichung Libraryas an example to discuss the strategies ofpromoting reading to the public. It also statesthe solutions to help promote the readingliteracy based on the understanding of thedifficulties on holding reading activities bynational public libraries. Other subjects likereconstructing the libraries in 2012, fulfillingthe book collection, alleviating staff’sprofessional knowledge after renaming as anational public online library, how to createreading atmosphere, enhancing hardwareelectronic equipment and softwareapplication are also discussed in this study.
To face this instant changing worldconnected by the Internet, reading literacyhas been a key to facilitate work ability andlife standard. Reading literacy is initiated bythe government as a part of social welfare. Itis necessary to have complete planning andgood strategies to reach this goal and makereading habit become people’s part of life.This study takes National Taichung Libraryas an example to discuss the strategies ofpromoting reading to the public. It also statesthe solutions to help promote the readingliteracy based on the understanding of thedifficulties on holding reading activities bynational public libraries. Other subjects likereconstructing the libraries in 2012, fulfillingthe book collection, alleviating staff’sprofessional knowledge after renaming as anational public online library, how to createreading atmosphere, enhancing hardwareelectronic equipment and softwareapplication are also discussed in this study.