
dc.contributor.authorCHANG, Chia-Yien_US
dc.description.abstract本論文主要目的在瞭解科大日四技護生實習壓力及身心健康的現況,並且比較不同背景變項在實習壓力及身心健康上的差異情形,進而探討實習壓力及身心健康之間的相關情形,以及背景變項和實習壓力對於身心健康的預測力。採觀察性研究,針對某科技大學母群體310位二到四年級實習護生以隨機集束抽樣方法獲得有效樣本172位,以問卷收集資料,問卷內容包括「個人背景資料表」、「人格特質量表」、「實習壓力量表」、「身心健康量表」等研究工具。再以單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關及複迴歸分析等進行統計分析。 本研究結果如下: 一、研究對象實習壓力總分最高116分,最低8分,顯示個別差異甚大。六個分量表中,以「實際護理病人之壓力」得分最高,各細項中以「課室教學內容與臨床實習現況有差距」的平均得分最高。 二、研究對象身心健康趨向負向,總分最高126分,最低29分,個別差異甚大。四個分量表中,以「焦慮和失眠」得分最高,各細項中以「最近一個月來我覺得自己無法充分利用時間」的平均得分最高。 三、整體實習壓力會因實習科別、實習場所屬性、對護理的興趣、人格特質的不同而有所差異。其分量表也會因不同背景變項而有差異。 四、整體身心健康會因實習科別、實習場所屬性、人格特質的不同而有所差異。其分量表也會因不同背景變項而有差異。 五、整體實習壓力和整體身心健康呈現顯著負相關。整體實習壓力及其分量表與身心健康及其分量表則呈現顯著正相關。 六、「年級」、「性別」、「實習科別」、「實習場所屬性」、「對護理的興趣」、「宗教信仰」、「家庭社經地位」、「人格特質」及「實習壓力」等九個預測變項,可以聯合預測解釋「身心健康」總變異量的44.1%。而「實習壓力」、「年級」、「實習科別」及「人格特質」為顯著的預測變項,更以「實習壓力」為最主要的預測因子。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe main purpose of this study was to understand the state of nursing students’ practice stress and health status.To compare the differences in practice stress and health status between individuals of differing backgro- unds and further, to explore the correlation between practice stress and health status, as well as whether it was the ability to predict a student’s health status with information on their background variables and practice stress. An observational study design was used. A random cluster sample was recruited from nursing students in university of technology. The subjects were 310 two to four-year nursing students in university of technology. Questionnaires were used to collect data needed for this study. 172 questionnaires were distributed. The instruments include “the personal background information form”, “the personality trait scale”, “the clinical practice stress scale”, and “the general health scale”. The data were analyzed with SPSS for windows 22.0, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s product-moment correlation, and multiple regression. The results of this study showed that: 1. Perceived stress varied greatly among individuals (ranging from 8 to 116 on the clinical practice stress scale).Practice stress was divided into six level categories: stress from taking care of patients was the one with the highest score. The item "the difference between theory and practice" was the highest average score. 2. Health status of the research participants tended to be negative. Health status varied greatly among individuals (ranging from 29 to 126 on the clinical practice stress scale). Health status was divided into four level categories: anxiety and insomnia was the one with the highest score. The item “I feel unable to take full advantage of the time last month" was the highest average score. 3. Overall practice stress of participants was significantly differ between nursing students with different Practice divisions, Practice unit, interesting in nursing and personality traits. And its subscale significantly differs on the background variables. 4. Overall health status of participants was significantly differ between nursing students with different Practice divisions, Practice unit, Interesting in nursing and personality traits. And its subscale significantly differs on the background variables. 5. Over all practice stress negatively correlated with health status. "Overall practice stress" and its subscale positively correlated with "overall health status " and its subscale. 6."Grade","gender","practice divisions", "practice unit", "interesting in nursing", "religion", "social and economic status of family", "personality traits "and " practice stress " predicated 44.1% of the total variances in health status. "Practice stress ","grade ","practice divisions "and "personality traits" were the significant variables to the prediction of health status. “Practice stress" was the major predictor.en_US
dc.subjectnursing studentsen_US
dc.subjectpractice stressen_US
dc.subjecthealth statusen_US
dc.titlePerceived stress and health status of nursing students during clinical practiceen_US

