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本研究採用敘事研究方法,深入探究兩名在學階段發生意外而成為中途障礙者有關復學與重建之經驗。資料蒐集主要透過深度訪談與文件資料等方式,和研究參與者互動而得。 經過資料蒐集、分析與詮釋,研究者先分別呈現兩名中途障礙者的經驗故事,再進一步提出共同的核心議題。本研究主要發現如下: 一、在中途障礙者之重建與適應歷程方面 1.中途障礙者生理功能的改變是永久且難以復原的 2.中途障礙者覺知生理功能失落感而形成負面自我概念 3.中途障礙者心理適應隨生理功能重建呈現螺旋式循環發展 4.中途障礙學生傷前優勢特質或背景有助於傷後發展適應策略 二、在中途障礙學生於復學與重建階段所需之支持方面 1.情緒性支持是幫助中途障礙學生形成正向自我概念的關鍵 2.發展中途障礙學生獨立自主能力有助其降低外在支持需求 3.工作生活能提升中途障礙者內在的重建動力 三、在中途障礙者的復學經驗方面 1.具備同理心的服務才能讓中途障礙學生感到安心 2.同質性專業人員提供中途障礙學生楷模功能 整體而言,學校應主動提供中途障礙學生安心與安身之處,身為教師,尤應省視看待這群學生的觀點並傾聽其心聲,在教學上致力促進中途障礙學生的獨立自主能力。
The purpose of this narrative study was to explore the experiences of re-entering school and rehabilitation by the two with physical disabilities by accident in study stage. Data were collected with in-depth interviewing and documents associated with these people. Two stories were reported individually and synthesized into the following findings. The aspect of rehabilitation and adaptation to disability : (1) for people with physical disabilities, the changes of physiological function were permanent and difficult to recover; (2) people with physical disabilities were aware of the loss of physiological function and having a negative perception; (3) for people with physical disabilities, psychological adaptation showed a spiral development with rehabilitation of physiological function; (4) for students with physical disabilities, advantages of pre-injury personalities or background were helpful for developing adaptation strategies after injury. The aspect of required supports for the stage of re-entering school and rehabilitation: (1) emotional supports were critical factors to help students with physical disabilities form a positive self-concept; (2) developing the ability of independence to students with physical disabilities reduced the requirements of external supports; (3) the work life could improve people with physical disabilities the rehabilitation of the internal dynamics. The aspect of the experience of re-entering school: (1) the service with empathy could make students with physical disabilities feel at ease; (2) homogenous professionals could be a role model for students with physical disabilities. Overall, schools should take the initiative in providing students with physical disabilities with relieved and appropriate arrangement. It is suggested that educators might need to self-examine their viewpoints toward students, hear the voices of students, and make efforts enhance more self-determination of students with physical disabilities.



中途障礙, 復學經驗, 敘說研究, 重建, 障礙適應, acquired physical disabilities, the experience of re-entering school, the narrative research, rehabilitation, adaptation to disability





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