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本研究以消費者行為理論為基礎,目的在探討國小學生家長選擇讓子女參與運動舞蹈社團的消費者行為,及從事消費行為時的家庭決策角色。問卷調查採便利抽樣的方式,針對大台北地區國小運動舞蹈社團學員家長進行調查,共回收有效問卷304份,有效回收率77.9%。研究結果發現:一、大臺北地區國小運動舞蹈社團學員家長以女性填答者為多、年齡分布多位於中年階層、社經地位多落於中等階層上下,子女數平均為2人的小康家庭。二、大臺北地區國小運動舞蹈社團消費者在提議參加與進行決策時以親子共同為主,在蒐集資訊部分以太太為主,而孩子為主要影響者;其消費需求以運動效益最主,資訊搜尋主要來源為家人親友推薦,而評估準則中最重視的為師資教學。三、國小運動舞蹈社團學員家長的家庭決策角色因家長的性別、關係、年齡、教育程度、社經地位、每月總所得、子女數、學舞子女數、孩子的性別、孩子的年級而有所差異。四、女性家長在美的需求、運動效益與目標需求部分皆大於男性家長;高中 (職) 以下學歷的家長更注重學童參與社團的社會性及目標性功能。五、親子共同決策時最注重美的需求、其他親屬決策時最重視的則是運動效益。六、家長的消費者行為間有正相關存在。本研究建議:一、運動舞蹈社團可多參與校內外的表演活動,吸引學生觀賞以增加招生率。二、後續研究可就消費者行為的滿意度進行相關探討。
The purpose of this study was to explore the elementary school parents’s consumer behavior, and family decision-making roles for choose to let their children participate in dance sports community. Survey using convenience sampling method, for parents of students in the greater Taipei area Elementary School dance sports community. The results showed that :1. Parents in middle-aged women respondents were as much, socioeconomic status and more fall in the middle class. 2. Consumers in the proposal to participate in decision-making and co-parenting, mainly in part to gather information based wife, and children as the main influencer; their consumption needs in the most effective primary movement, the main source of information search is recommended to family and friends, and the most important evaluation criteria for the teachers teaching. 3. For family decision-making, different demographic background variables displayed significant differences. 4. Female parent more emphasis on art needs, sport efficiency and goals needs 5. When co-parenting decisions, they emphasis on art needs;other relatives decisions, they emphasis on sport efficiency. 6.The study showed significant positive correlation in parents’s consumer behavior. This study suggests that: Elementary School dance sports community can participate in dance performances inside and outside, and attract students to increase enrollment rate.



運動舞蹈, 消費者行為, 家庭決策角色, Dance Sport, Consumer Behavior, Family decision making





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