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本研究旨在探討自我管理策略教學對國小ADHD學童社會技巧之成效。研究對象為一名國小四年級之注意力缺陷過動症學童,研究採單一受試實驗設計中的跨行為多基線設計,自變項為自我管理策略教學,依變項為社會技巧,包括干擾他人及主動參與團體活動等二項行為。 本研究蒐集之資料以單一受試實驗設計之視覺分析法及C統計進行分析,以了解自我管理策略對受試者社會技巧之成效,並透過回饋表及訪談受試者之教師及同儕,作為本研究之社會效度分析。 本研究之結果如下: 一、自我管理策略對降低國小ADHD學童「干擾他人」行為有立即成效及維持成效。 二、自我管理策略教學對於提升國小ADHD學童「主動參與團體活動」行為具立即成效及維持成效。 三、自我管理策略教學對國小ADHD學生干擾他人、主動參與團體活動之行為成效,具社會效度。 此外,研究者針對教學與研究提出建議,作為未來教學及相關研究的參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects on self-management strategy for elementary school students with ADHD. The participant of this study was a fourth grade student with ADHD in elementary school. This study employed a multiple-baseline across behaviors design. The independent variable was self-management strategy. The dependent variable were social skill behaviors including disrupting other students in class and participating in group activities. Visual analysis and the C statistic were used in the study for analyzing the effectiveness of self-management strategy to improve social skill behavior. The study also evaluated social validity by questionnaire and interviewing the teachers and classmates. Results of this study were summarized as followings: 1.The effects of self-management strategy has immediate and maintenance effect on decreasing disruptive behavior for the elementary school student with ADHD. 2.The effects of self-management strategy has immediate and maintenance effect on increasing the behavior of participating in group activities for the elementary school student with ADHD. 3.The effects of self-management strategy on disruptive behavior and participating in group activities has social validity for the elementary school student with ADHD. According to the findings of this study, suggestions were offered for teaching and advanced research.



自我管理策略, ADHD, 社會技巧, 單一受試實驗設計, 教學介入, ADHD, intervention, self-management strategy, single-subject research designs, social skill





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