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4.0新興科技正翻轉著產業生態與結構,帶來高度破壞式創新,但也同時帶來許多嶄新的平台與應用。國外已有許多研究探討沈浸體驗經濟,創造諸多名利雙收典範,其中「文化藝術內容+顯示科技+場域」跨界創新更是為育樂展演帶來一股「沈浸互動體驗」的新趨勢。本研究在於探討文化藝術展演團體所面臨到的困境如何一次性地被解決:軟硬體設備需求、SI技術整合知識、專業分工、空間規劃、整合行銷、售票服務、標準化的營運流程與大型經營管理平台等。以資源整合理論的基本架構與整合程序,創建整合平台—「文化科技展演平台」,而平台之經營模式以管理矩陣六大管理要素、六大層級,進行組合運用,進一步打造出一個完整良好的可被實現的整合機制,即特殊目的專案SPV(Special Purpose Vehicle)進行分階段的經營模式落實驗證。輔以國外成功案例進行文獻探討,找出平台的差異化競爭優勢,創建一個可被複製,層級式、累進式的「文化科技展演平台」之經營模式。除協助提供展演團隊專業服務與降低建置的昂貴門檻,整合左右腦不同思維的系統與營運模式,將內容產製集合,科技跨域整合,上下游資源發揮縱效,達到跨領域產業整合與串連的整體效益,並試著建立台灣的沈浸式體驗經濟之標準,成為文化內容產業、科技創新產業、新創產業,在塑造新興產業之經營模式與進入新市場的參考。
The new technology 4.0 is revolutionizing the ecosystems and structures of industries, bringing both highly disruptive innovations as well as new platforms and applications. Internationally there have been many studies on how the immersion experience economy has created paradigms of success in both wealth and fame. In particular, the “Cultural Art Content + Display Technology + Space” cross-border innovation has ignited a new trend in “interactive immersion experience”.This study explores how to resolve the dilemma confronted by cultural art exhibition groups once and for all: hard- and software equipment needs, SI technology integration knowhow, work delegation, spatial planning, integrated marketing, ticket sales, standardized operating procedures, large-scale management platform, and so on. Based on the fundamental skeleton and integration process of resource integration theory, the integrated platform, “Cultural Technology Exhibition Platform”, can be created and managed using the six principles and six levels of the management matrix, forming a comprehensive, robust and realizable integration mechanism, the so-called Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), engaging in stepped verification of a business model. Success cases from abroad are also examined to determine the competitive advantage differentiation between platforms so that a duplicable, hierarchical and progressive business model for a cocreated profit-sharing “Cultural Technology Exhibition Platform” can be forged. It can assist exhibition groups in obtaining specialized services, lowering high setup costs, synchronize left/right brain thought movements and operations modes, so that content production coordination, cross-discipline technology incorporation, and resource chain effectiveness optimization can yield overall benefits of cross-discipline industry integration and bundling. It also attempts to establish a benchmark for immersion experience economy in Taiwan for the cultural content industry, technology innovation industry and new ventures, to be used as a reference as they create their own business models when entering into new markets.
The new technology 4.0 is revolutionizing the ecosystems and structures of industries, bringing both highly disruptive innovations as well as new platforms and applications. Internationally there have been many studies on how the immersion experience economy has created paradigms of success in both wealth and fame. In particular, the “Cultural Art Content + Display Technology + Space” cross-border innovation has ignited a new trend in “interactive immersion experience”.This study explores how to resolve the dilemma confronted by cultural art exhibition groups once and for all: hard- and software equipment needs, SI technology integration knowhow, work delegation, spatial planning, integrated marketing, ticket sales, standardized operating procedures, large-scale management platform, and so on. Based on the fundamental skeleton and integration process of resource integration theory, the integrated platform, “Cultural Technology Exhibition Platform”, can be created and managed using the six principles and six levels of the management matrix, forming a comprehensive, robust and realizable integration mechanism, the so-called Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), engaging in stepped verification of a business model. Success cases from abroad are also examined to determine the competitive advantage differentiation between platforms so that a duplicable, hierarchical and progressive business model for a cocreated profit-sharing “Cultural Technology Exhibition Platform” can be forged. It can assist exhibition groups in obtaining specialized services, lowering high setup costs, synchronize left/right brain thought movements and operations modes, so that content production coordination, cross-discipline technology incorporation, and resource chain effectiveness optimization can yield overall benefits of cross-discipline industry integration and bundling. It also attempts to establish a benchmark for immersion experience economy in Taiwan for the cultural content industry, technology innovation industry and new ventures, to be used as a reference as they create their own business models when entering into new markets.
沈浸式, 文化科技, 資源整合, 管理矩陣, 特殊目的專案, immersion, cultural technology, resource integration, matrix management, special purpose vehicle