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人口老化這問題早已成為全球經濟高度發展之國家的重要議題,不僅如此,近年來隨著高齡人口越來越多、失智症人口不斷增加的情況下,多數的失智症患者選擇居住於社區中,接觸者除了社區中的街訪鄰居,餐飲從業人員往往也是容易於第一線接觸到患者的族群。因此本研究旨在探討餐飲管理系大專生對失智症的知識與態度之現況、不同性別、接觸經驗、照護經驗對於失智症的知識與態度之差異性,以及經由公播版失智症知識線上影片介入後,對於餐飲管理系大專生們的影響。本研究採前實驗研究之單組前後測設計,研究對象為現正就讀於中部某科技大學之餐飲管理學系學生,使用完成翻譯的失智症知識 (DKAS) 與態度 (Allophilia) 量表作為評估工具,並使用財團法人天主教失智老人基金會自製之「阿嬤妮 (Amani)」系列失智症知識影片作為介入,實得有效樣本數為124份。根據SPSS 23.0統計結果,受試者的失智症知識現況較為不足、態度現況為中等偏正向,不同性別、接觸經驗與照護經驗分別對於的失智症知識與態度並無明顯差異,但女大生所具備的失智症知識與態度高於男大生、有接觸失智症患者經驗之大專生在整體失智症知識與態度的部分高於無接觸經驗之大專生、有照護失智症患者經驗之大專生在整體失智症知識與態度的部分高於無照護經驗之大專生。而影片介入後僅有部分提升了大專生對於失智症的知識與態度。因此,線上公播版失智症知識影片介入對於提升受試者的失智症知識與態度可能有潛在的助益,建議未來可針對大專生發展失智症相關知識線上課程,有益於失智症知識的提升與正向態度的建立。
The aging population problem has already become an important issue for this country in terms of the development of global economy. Not only that, the elderly population has been growing in recent years and a significant amount of these individuals are affected by dementia. Since most people with dementia choose to live in the community, they come in contact with visitors to the community and catering staff. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the current situation of knowledge and attitude towards dementia among college students majored in the food and beverage management. Furthermore, this study analyses the difference in knowledge and attitude between genders, experiences with dementia patients and nursing experience. In addition, the type influence online videos of dementia have among these college students. For the methodology, a single-group test design was used for the pre-experimental study. The subjects of the study were students studying majored in the food and beverage management in a university of science and technology in central Taiwan. The DKAS and Allophilia scales were used as assessment tools. The"Amani" series of dementia knowledge videos made by 「Taiwan Catholic Foundation of Alzheimer's disease and Related Dementia」 were used as intervene. The samples gathered for this study involved 124 individuals. According to the statistical results of SPSS 23.0, the subjects' current knowledge of dementia was relatively insufficient and their current attitude was moderately positive. There was no significant difference in the knowledge and attitude of dementia among different genders, contact experience and nursing experience. However, female students have more knowledge on dementia and attitude compared to males. The students who have experience with dementia patients have better attitude towards them compared to students who have no experience with dementia patients and those students who have experience looking after dementia have better knowledge and attitude towards them compared to students with no experience. After the intervention of the film, college students' knowledge of dementia and their attitude towards dementia were slightly improved. The results showed that the intervention of the video on dementia knowledge potentially helped improve the subjects' dementia knowledge and attitude. In addition, Online courses on Dementia related knowledge with a long duration are beneficial to the improvement of Dementia knowledge and the establishment of positive attitude.



餐飲管理系, 失智症, 知識, 態度, Food and Beverage Management Department, Dementia, Knowledge, Attitude





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