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圖書館學會網站是提供會員及圖書館界相關人員獲取資訊的管道,所提供的服務項目將影響使用者後續造訪網站的意願。本研究以中華民國圖書館學會網站的使用者為研究對象,探討使用者對於中華民國圖書館學會網站服務項目的需求度及滿意度,擬出圖書館學會網站改進與擴增服務項目的建議,以作為中華民國圖書館學會網站改版之參考。 本研究首先以內容分析法分析國內外七個圖書館學會網站的服務項目,再根據內容分析彙整的類目,透過問卷調查表來瞭解使用者對於中華民國圖書館學會網站服務項目的需求度及滿意度。研究結果發現,七個圖書館學會網站以澳洲圖書館與資訊學會網站及美國圖書館學會網站所提供的服務項目較多,所佔比例為75%,日本圖書館學會網站提供的服務項目較少,所佔比例為40%,而中華民國圖書館學會網站提供的服務項目佔43%,顯示目前學會網站所提供的服務項目仍有改善的空間。而七個圖書館學會網站皆有的服務項目包含,(1)關於我們:委員會、組織結構、學會章程;(2)會員專區:會員種類、加入會員方式、會員相關權益;(3)出版品訊息:學會出版品一覽表、學會出版品檢索;(4)新聞與媒體:最新消息;(5)會議與活動:學會會議與活動;(6)圖書資訊相關法規;(7)相關連結:國內外圖書館、相關機構。 根據問卷調查結果顯示,使用者使用中華民國圖書館學會網站的頻率以1個月使用一次為主;使用圖書館學會網站的目的為取得最新消息,其次為取得求才求職資訊,第三為取得教育訓練。對網站服務項目的需求度前三名分別為,(1)提供最新工作職缺資訊;(2)提供圖書館界最新活動消息;(3)提供圖書與資訊學相關課程資訊。 最後依據研究結果提出下列建議:(1) 圖書館學會網站應重視各種消息來源及專業知識的提供;(2) 參考各國圖書館學會網站及依使用者需求建置網站內容;(3) 定期更新及檢測以維護網站品質;(4) 依不同使用者特質提供服務;(5) 定期檢視使用者需求。
The Website of a library association is the channel to provide her members and library related persons to collect information on the association. The service items provided by the Website of a library association will influence the willingness of website visitors to revisit the site. This study aims at understanding users’ needs and satisfaction toward the Website of Library Association of the Republic of China (Taiwan), also known as LAROC, and proposing an improvement plan on the Website. This study first applied content analysis to understand the services provided by the Websites of seven library associations around the world, and then on the basis of the results of content analysis, conducted a user questionnaires to understand the demand for services and the degree of satisfaction from the users of the LAROC. The results showed that among the seven library association Websites, Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) and American Library Association (ALA) had the highest ranking on the varieties of services provided. These two websites provided more than 75% of services; on the other hand, Japan Library Association (JLA) only provided 40% of the services. The Website of LAROC provided only 43% of the services, which indicated there were still rooms for improving the LAROC Website. The services offered by all the seven library association Websites included: (1) About us: committee, organizational structure, constitution of the association; (2) Member only: types of membership, application, member’s rights and benefit; (3) Publications information: list of association publications, information retrieval of the association publications; (4) News and media: latest news; (5) Meetings and events: association meetings and activities; (6), Library information legislation; (7) Links: domestic and oversea Libraries and related institutions. According to the survey result, the frequency of the LAROC site usage is often once a month; the purpose of accesing the LAROC Website is to obtain the latest news, followed by recruiting and employment information. The third is to obtain education and training. The top three demands for the website services are (1) provides the latest job openings information; (2) provides the latest activities and events information of the library community; (3) Provides information of the Library and Informatics related courses. In conclusion, according to the result of this study, the recommendations are as follows: (1) Websites of library associations should respect various information sources and provide professional information; (2) building the website content should be based on the requests from the users; (3) periodic updating and testing is essential to maintain quality of the site ; (4) service provision should be based on various user characteristics; (5) regularly reviewing user’ requirements and needs is a must.



圖書館學會, 網站, 使用者滿意度, 內容分析, Library Association, Website, User Satisfaction, Content Analysis





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