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窗有著千變萬化的面貌,每扇窗的周遭都訴說著它的故事,如果說我們是觀看者的角色,那相對於空間之外,我們就成了窗內的主角,上演著自己內心的故事。 而窗外變幻的季節,也象徵著流轉的時間,既然時光留不住,那不如就用繪畫來記錄它,透過繪畫的技巧與方式來進行創作,從以「窗」為眼,以畫為心,述說個人不同的「心窗」故事,也是這次創作的契機。就筆者個人而言,對「窗」也存在著一種複雜的情感,一方面對千變萬化「窗」所展現的樣式及造型著迷,另一方面對於「窗」背後所代表的意涵與符號象徵,從中西方的角度進行探究。 因筆者不善言語,繪畫方式係以水墨寄情,在以窗為題材的創作上,運用水墨的各種特性與技法,並以人物、花卉等窗邊事物,展現窗內窗外時間與空間的變化,來襯托出窗的千姿百態,並反映出自己的心靈世界。 本研究在水墨創作中將「窗」與「心」相互連結,探討內心世界的情感活動,與自己的心靈對話,藉由開啟封閉的窗,迎接光明的這個動作,展現積極向上的精神,冀望於繪畫作品中傳達,期許以自我省思的修身,到五倫為本的齊家,而在安身立命後,能擴展到推己及人兼善天下的創作理念
Windows possess variations of features. Everything surrounded a window tells a story of it. If we look at the whole scene from a relative aspect, it would turn us from spectators into leading actors performing stories in our hearts behind the window. Seasons change out of windows as time passes by. Since no one can stop the time, I try to record it by painting. Therefore, I want to see through the eyes of “windows” and paint each one’s heart to tell diverse stories taking place inside of every “window of heart”. This is how I started this artistic creation. I always have complex emotions toward “windows” not only because of been enchanted by their diversity forms and designs, but also feel like examining the meanings and symbols that embedded in “windows” from both western and eastern point of views. I would like to present you my ideas through Chinese ink painting because I’m inarticulate. These art works, based on a theme of ”windows”, are presented via various techniques of Chinese ink painting. Objects beside windows such as people or flowers show how time and space would change, by which set off every kind of windows and reflect the world of one’s heart. In this Chinese ink painting creation, I made a connection between “windows” and “hearts” to approach to sentiments that move in our hearts as well as creating a heart-dialogue with ourselves. By opening closed windows to welcome brightness, I would like to reveal the spirit of positivity. I hope the concept of this painting would encourage people to level-up from cultivating themselves through self-reflection to keeping families in order based on the five cardinal relationships, in the meantime, to proceed to bring about the same result in every other man and make perfect the whole world after they settle down.



心靈世界, 水墨創作, 情感活動, 兼善天下, The world of one’s heart, Chinese ink painting creation, Sentiments that move in our hearts, Make perfect the whole world





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