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身體意象是個人對於自我身體的綜合性概念與評價,許多研究發現身體活動量與身體意象有著特定的關連存在,然而不同性別與身體意象的關係,一直以來都顯示女性身體意象滿意度比男性低,而運動是一種表現自我身體的途徑,近年在性別限定的路跑活動或健身房經營策略,參與的人數相當可觀,例如:2014NIKE女子路跑活動共7500人參加,2015參加人數提高到了18000名,限定女性參與似乎成為了一股潮流,然而外在環境的性別組成是否會影響到個體運動的參與和自我身體意象的概念。本研究目的在探究不同性別環境、身體活動量、與身體意象的關係,研究方法上針對不同性別環境高中學生,進行身體活動量與身體意象在性別上差異的調查,採用立意取樣,依地緣便利性以及協助施測教師配合度,選取台北市女子高中二所、男子高中二所、男女混合校四所,各校1-3年級學生為研究參與對象,單一性別學校各年級取2班,男女混合校各年級取3班,共60班,研究的工具包含:「身體活動問卷」、「身體意象量表」,問卷共發出2280份,回收2,192份,回收率96%,有效問卷共1,979份,包含女學生963位與男學生1,016位。將所得資料之各校學生的身體意象得分與身體活動量,進行二因子獨立變異數分析(ANOVA)與皮爾遜積差相關統計處理。研究結果顯示: 一、不同性別教育環境之高中生在身體活動量有交互作用,在單性學校女高中生的身體活 動量高於混合性別學校女高中生,且高中男生的身體活動量皆比高中女生高。 二、無論在何種性別教育環境中,男高中生的身體意象皆高於女高中生。 三、高中生無論在何種性別教育環境,其身體活動量與身體意象皆達顯著正相關。
The expiration of relationship between physical activity and body image from Single-sex education and Co-educational adolescents Jun, 2015 Student:Yueh-Hui Chang Adaviser:Jui-Fu Chen Abstract Body image is the comprehensive concept and evaluation formed subjectively by people to their own body. Many studies have found that there is particular relationship between physical activity and body image, and it also showed that male’s body image satisfaction is better than female’s. However, sport and exercise is a way to express self’s body. In recent years, some long-distance running events or gyms try to promote women only activities as their marketing strategies. For example, 2014 Nike women run recruited more than 7500 participants, and even got more than 18000 in 2015. So, whether environment and gender are the factors to affect exercise participation and body image or not have become a big issue. This study aimed at investigating the relationship between environment, physical activity, and body image. There are four single sex high schools (two female and two male ones) and two bi-sex schools recruited in this research. The questionnaire includes “body image appraisal table” and “physical activity questionnaire”. 2280 questionnaires were released and 2192 qualified questionnaires were retrieved. Based on the two way ANOVA and Pearson Product-Moment Coefficient, the results show that: 1. The interaction between environment and physical activity can be observed. Single-sex schoolgirls exercised more than bi-sex ones, but it did not apply to boys. 2. There is no interaction in factors of the environment and the body image, but the body image is different between sexes. 3. Significant positive correlation can be observes between exercise and body image. Key words: sexual environment, physical activity, body image, sexual stereotype



性別環境, 身體活動量, 身體意象, 性別刻板印象, 高中生, sexual environment, physical activity, body image, sexual stereotype





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