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每一位聽損孩子的出生對家庭的影響都相當鉅大,而為了適應,父母親必然會經歷一段曲折的歷程及心理變化,此外,由於聽損兒童的聽能及語言發展較常童為慢,因此聽常父母如何與聽損子女溝通機將更顯重要。本研究之目的在探討聽常父母生下聽損子女的心理調適歷程及之溝通經驗,以質性研究的深入訪談方法蒐集資料,共有四位子女已就讀國小階段的聽常家長參與研究。 研究結果顯示(一)家長在發現子女有聽能損失時,其心理經驗是懷疑、否認、難過,但願意積極配合輔具配戴並進行聽能復健。(二)在語言溝通方面,受訪者之聽損子女皆以學習口語為主,但家長認為手語、口語和書面語三者對聽損子女在溝通、學習上皆重要,建議以多感官學習為佳。(三)聽損子女在家中的日常生活互動皆能以口語表達其需求,但主要照顧者仍須做為子女與家中其他成員的溝通橋樑。(四)聽損子女在校的學習、同儕互動皆以口語溝通為主,但仍需輔以視覺提示,此外家長認為子女在升高年級時課業已有明顯落差。(五)適應良好之聽損兒童的家長在心理調適過程中出現樂觀、積極、勇敢、堅強等特質。(六)適應良好之聽損兒童的家長能強化聽損子女的自我概念、親密的親子關係、手足間的互動並對未來抱持希望等。
The birth of a child with hearing impairment will bring tremendous impacts to the child’s family. The child’s parents have to go through many difficulties and changes during their psychological adjustment. As most hearing-impaired children have delayed hearing and language development, how hearing parents should communicate with their hearing-impaired child is an important issue. The purpose of this study was to investigate hearing parents’ psychological adjustment to birth of a hearing-impaired child and their experiences of communication with the child. Using in-depth interview of the qualitative approach, this study collected data from hearing parents of four elementary school students with hearing impairment. Findings were as follows: (1) The hearing parents reacted with suspicion, denial, and sadness when they were first informed of hearing impairment of their children but were willing to cooperate with physicians in helping their children wear hearing aids and in aural rehabilitation. (2) As to communication, the hearing-impaired children learnt mainly the oral language, but most of their parents agreed that sign language, oral language, and written language were equally important for them in communication and learning and suggested that multi-sensory learning would be better. (3) The hearing-impaired children were able to express their daily needs orally, but their primary caregivers still had to act as the bridge between them and other members in the family. (4) The hearing-impaired children relied mainly on oral communication in learning and peer interaction at school, but they still needed visual cues. Besides, most parents mentioned that their children were significantly behind their peers in academic study when they entered the fifth and sixth grades of the school. (5) Parents who were well adapted to hearing impairment of their children showed positive, active, brave, and strong traits during psychological adjustment. (6) Parents who were well adapted to hearing impairment of their children were able to help strengthen their children’s self-concept, parent-child relationships, interactions with brothers and sisters, and hopes for the future.



聽常父母, 聽損子女, 溝通經驗, 心理調適





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