
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在瞭解親子個別與共讀時對幻想類圖畫書的詮釋。研究者以「新神話」與「魔法」兩類型圖畫書,以及依書中故事情節所自編之半結構式訪談問題為研究工具,對立意取樣之四、六、八、十歲年齡層兒童及其家長共三十二人進行故事詮釋與訪談。結果如下: 無論是兒童或家長皆是以逐幅將圖片串連的方式說出故事,故事內涵皆傾向原故事文本,在故事結構上年齡越大兒童的故事越完整,親子共讀時之故事又比個別時要完整;而親子皆對「新神話」類型之故事提出較多疑問。親子共讀時若兒童、家長間彼此提問與討論,詮釋出來的故事會比僅由兒童或家長主講的故事要豐富;共讀時專注傾聽子女的家長認為兒童的詮釋較成人更理解文本、更生動、也更為細膩。親子共讀歷程則以共讀型態、肢體動作、及口語對話三方面進行探討。 其次發現兒童對於幻想類故事中不符合現實情節的解釋類型有以下三種:相信故事文本的解釋類型、交錯使用類型、考慮現實條件的解釋類型,四歲兒童多持第一類型,年齡越大越能考慮現實狀況,十歲兒童的觀點已和成人一致。另外兒童對於故事情節的虛實判斷情形有以下三種:四歲、及部分六、八歲兒童認為只要符合某些條件,故事中的情節有可能會發生在自己身上,其他六、八歲兒童認為故事只是故事,不可能發生在現實生活中的,而十歲兒童則認為只要人們想像或作夢,現實生活裡什麼事情都有可能發生。 最後根據本研究結論,對未來研究者、家長、教師、文學創作者提出建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to understand the interpretations of fantasy picture books when the books were read individually or collectively on a parents-children basis. The researcher, adopting both neo-mythology-based and magic-based types of picture books, devised semi-structured interview questions based on the storylines in the books as the research instrument in the study. The researcher sampled the children at the age of four, six, eight, and ten as well as their parents. In total, thirty-two subjects were enrolled into the study. The result was as followed: It was found that both children and parents told the stories in a way of linking the story picture by picture. The contents of the stories were all inclined to the original story texts. Besides, in terms of the story structure, it was found that the older the children, the stories told were more complete. It was also found that the stories told on a collective basis were more complete than the stories told on an individual basis. Similarly, more questions were raised by both parents and children to the neo-mythology-based stories. It was also found that the interpretative contents derived from the interactions on a collective basis were richer than those on an individual basis. Parents who listened patiently and attentively on a collective basis, thought that children’s interpretations were more accurate, vivid, and subtle than adults’. The parents-children’s collective reading processes were analyzed through three ways: collective reading type, physical action, and verbal conversation. When it comes to the unrealistic storylines in the fantasy books, it was found that children tended to have three kinds of interpretations: believing in the original storylines, considering realistic conditions, and mixing both believing in the original storylines with considering realistic conditions together. Children at the age of four tended to belong to the first type. The older the children, the more realistic perspectives were held. Children at the age of ten tended to have the same perspectives as adults’. Besides, regarding the fantasy-reality judgment, three kinds of responses were found. Firstly, children at the age of four and some parts of children at the age of six and eight tended to think that given some conditions, the plots of the stories might happen to themselves. Some other children at the age of six and eight may think that the stories were just stories and therefore it was impossible to happen in the real life. However, children at the age of ten may think that everything could happen in the real life as long as human beings imagine or dream.en_US
dc.subjectFantasy Picture Booksen_US
dc.subjectFantasy-Reality Judgmenten_US
dc.subjectParents-Children’s collective readingen_US

