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本研究目的在探討台北市國小教師採行合作教學之行為意向。研究對象共有204位國小教師,其中包含105位普通班教師及99位身心障礙資源班教師。研究工具為研究者依據計畫行為理論所編製之「教師對合作教學的意向」問卷。主要研究結果如下: 一、約三成八國小教師對採行合作教學「有此意向」;約三成六國小教師「有些微意向」;對採行合作教學「有強烈意向」不到一成。身心障礙資源班教師和普通班教師在採行合作教學行為意向上沒有顯著差異。 二、國小教師對合作教學的「態度」、「主觀規範」二變項能預測教師合作教學「行為意向」32.9%的變異量。其中以「態度」的預測力最佳,其次是「主觀規範」變項。身心障礙資源班教師對合作教學「態度」、「主觀規範」這二個變項能預測其合作教學「行為意向」31.9%的變異量。其中以「主觀規範」的預測力最佳,其次是「態度」變項。普通班教師對合作教學「態度」變項能預測其合作教學「行為意向」33.1%的變異量。 三、約四成國小教師對合作教學的態度抱持「有點正向」,持「正向」的比例也有三成。國小教師對合作教學的主觀規範以認為參考對象「有點不贊成」的比例最高,約佔三成五,認為參考對象「不贊成」其採行合作教學的比例最低,僅佔一成。國小教師對合作教學知覺行為控制偏低,約四成六教師自認對合作教學「有點無法掌控」,自認「無法掌控」的比例約佔一成。身心障礙資源班教師和普通班教師在合作教學的「態度」與「知覺行為控制」上沒有顯著差異,趨向一致,僅在「主觀規範」上有顯著差異。 四、不同合作教學行為意向之國小教師在合作教學之行為信念、結果評價、規範信念、依從動機、控制信念上有顯著差異,身心障礙資源班教師也都有相似的結果;不同合作教學行為意向普通班教師在合作教學之行為信念、結果評價、規範信念、依從動機上有顯著差異。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the elementary school teachers’ behavior intention of co-teaching. 204 subjects were selected from elementary schools in Taipei, including 105 regular teachers and 99 resource teacher. The research instrument was a questionnaire developed by the author based on theory of planned behavior. The major findings were as follows: 1. 38% teachers had intention to adopt co-teaching. 36% teachers had a little intention to adopt co-teaching. 9% teachers had a strong intention to adopt co-teaching. There was no significant difference on co-teaching intention between resource teachers and regular teachers. 2. The attitude and subjective norm towards co-teaching could effectively predict the co-teaching intention of teachers, and power of variance was 32.9%.The attitude and subjective norm towards co-teaching could effectively predict the co-teaching intention of resource teachers, and power of variance was 31.9%. The attitude towards co-teaching could effectively predict the co-teaching intention of regular teachers, and power of variance was 33.1%. 3. There was singnificant difference for teachers’ subjective norm toward co-teaching but no singnificant difference for teachers’ attitude and perceived behavioral control toward co-teaching among resource teacher and regular teachers. 4. Different intention toward co-teaching were shown to differ significantly in behavior belief, evaluations of outcome, normative belief, motivations to comply and control belief. Resource teacher also have similar outcome. Regular teachers different intention toward co-teaching were shown to differ significantly in behavior belief, evaluations of outcome, normative belief, motivations to comply.



合作教學, 行為意向, 國小身心障礙資源班教師, 國小普通班教師, 計畫行為理論, co-teaching, intention, resource teacher, regular teacher, the theory of planned behavior





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