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近年來科技蓬勃發展,電腦已成為生活中不可或缺的物品,而在中小學裡資訊融入教育更是教學的發展主流,互動式電子白板(interactive Whiteboard)的應用已成為目前政策重點及發展趨勢。國外電子白板之使用研究已有二十年以上,國內才正在發展階段,且研究多著重於國小教學過程,國中自然與生活科技方面少之又少。國中階段的自然科學習需要大量抽象且邏輯性的思考,將電子白板融入教學可將教學內容實體化,增加教學成效。 本研究以電子白板融入教學進行自然科教學作為實驗組,而傳統式教學為對照組,針對於研究者任教的的國二兩個班級進行實驗,每次月考後更換實驗組及對照組別。以國一的六次月考平均成績做為前測成績,國二上、下共六次月考成績做為六次後測成績,以SPSS 19.0軟體進行獨立樣本T檢定及共變數分析,藉此探討全體學生、高成就學生、中成就學生、低成就學生在不同的教學方式下的學習成效差異。而本研究與大多數研究不同的地方在於,國內外研究的受試者多未接觸過電子白板,而本研究之受試者在國一時即已接觸一年的電子白板教學,可避免新奇感帶來之效應。 經統計分析後,可得以下結論: 一.使用電子白板教學與傳統式教學對於全體學生並無顯著上的差異。 二.高成就學生在接受電子白板教學後,校正分數大多較高,可看出電子白板教學對於高成就學生的學習成效有一定的影響。 三.進行傳統式教學的中成就學生成績較為偏高,顯示傳統教學對於中成就學生而言較能進行整合性的知識記憶,提高其學習成效。 四.低成就學生進行電子白板教學後之整體成績有緩慢上升的趨勢,顯示對於低成就學生而言,若可再持續下去,可收到一定的學習成效。
The development of science and technology has become vigorous in recent years. Information and communication technologies in education have become the mainstream ideas of teaching; therefore, interactive whiteboard (IWB) applications are prioritized both in policies and growing trends in education. The studies of IWB applications have been carried out for more than two decades abroad, but the studies in Taiwan are just at an initial stage. Moreover, most of the studies focus on elementary schools; far too little attention has been paid to the teaching process of science and technology in junior high schools, where the learning of natural science requires a lot of abstract and logical thinking. Integrating IWB into teaching can make the content more physical and increase teaching effectiveness. In this study, participants were divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental group was integrated with IWB for natural science teaching, whilst the control group was embedded in traditional teaching. The researcher aimed to teach two eighth-grade classes, and exchange the participants in each group after monthly exams. The averages of six seventh-grade monthly exams were taken as pre-test scores; on the other hand, the results of six eighth-grade monthly exams were taken as post-test scores. Independent samples T-test and Ancova were analyzed with the SPSS 19.0 software. This research aimed to differentiate the learning achievements between high- achievement and low-achievement students with two different teaching methods. Unlike many Taiwanese and foreign researches, the participants in this study had been exposed to IWB teaching methods for one year, which might avoid the novelty effect in learning. After statistical analysis, the conclusions are as follows: 1.There is no significant difference between IWB and traditional teaching methods. 2. Most of the high-achievement students got higher correction scores with IWB. It presents that IWB has a major impact on high-achievement students. 3. The middle-level students got higher scores with traditional teaching. It shows that traditional teaching can help those students assimilate more memorized knowledge and improve their learning. 4. The grades of low-achievement students were gradually improved with IWB. The result indicates that the learning effect of low-achievement students is enhanced with IWB teaching methods.



互動式電子白板, 傳統式教學, 多媒體教學, 學習成就, interactive whiteboards, traditional teaching, multimedia teaching, learning achievements





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