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社群支持型農業在歐美已發展多年,它是一群人消費者用實際行動支持在地有機小農,使消費者與生產者連結更密切與穩定,台灣從2005年開始陸陸續續有有機農園與公司或非營利組織團體合作成立了社群支持型農業,本研究主要想探討消費者參與社群支持型農業成為會員後的經驗與人員互動中的學習。 本研究採質性研究中的多重個案研究,以深度訪談為主,主要訪談社群支持型農業會員八位,並以CSA的文宣等資料做為文件分析與佐證,資料分析採用多元資料提高研究的效度。 本研究研究結果顯示消費者成為會員後在社群支持型農業的學習如下: 1.認識食物的生產地與生產者及參與CSA的意義。 2.知道更多食品安全知識、烹飪知識、認識更多菜的種類、飲食習慣改變等。 3.體諒有機小農的辛苦與反身性思考。 4.更清楚有機農業的重要性和其對土地與世界的影響、幫助更多有機小農和社群的形成。
Community supported agriculture has been developed in Europe for many years, it was a group of people with practical action to support consumers in local organic small farmers, consumers and producers more closely linked with the stability of Taiwan began in 2005 after another organic farm and companies or non-profit organization co-founded a community organization supported agriculture, this study would explore consumer participation in community-supported agriculture to become a member after the experience of learning to interact with people. This study used qualitative research in multiple case studies to in-depth interviews, mainly interviews with members of eight community-supported agriculture, CSA, brochures and other information and documents as evidence analysis, multivariate data analysis using data to improve research validity. This study showed that consumer research study to become a member in the community-supported agriculture are as follows: 1, Understanding of food production and the producers and significance of CSA's participation. 2. Know more knowledge of food safety, cooking knowledge, understanding more diverse food, eating habits and so on. 3.Considerate hard reflexive thinking and organic smallholders. 4.Mmore aware of the importance of organic farming and its impact on the land and the world, to help more organic farmers and community formation.



社群支持型農業會員的學習, 輝要有機菜園, 頤禾園有機農園, members learning in community supported agriculture, Ahui's Farm, Green Farm





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