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隨著高齡化浪潮席捲全球,老年人相關議題不容忽視,本研究聚焦討論影響老年人之幸福感因素,將幸福感分為五個等級來討論,並以三大塊討論之,分別為財務因素、理財因素以及人口背景因素,透過中國家庭金融調查(CHFS)2015年之數據資料進行分析,並利用Ordered Logit Model以及預測機率與邊際效應深入探討對於不同幸福感層級之老年人來說,哪些自變項之影響是達統計上的顯著水準的,以及對哪個幸福感層級之老年人來說這些自變項之影響大過於其他幸福感層級。本研究結果發現「資產、健康狀態、共產黨員、居住於農村」此四個自變項達統計上之顯著水準,且對應不同層級之幸福感所得之邊際效應來看,在偏向不幸福的三個層級中(非常不幸福、不幸福與一般)得到負向邊際效應值;而偏向幸福的兩個層級中(幸福與非常幸福)得到正向邊際效應值,綜上得知,此四個自變項皆正向顯著影響老年人幸福感,且對於幸福感層級屬於「一般」及「幸福」者影響最深遠。
As the issue of aging impacting the world, issues related to the elderly cannot be ignored. This research focuses on the factors that affect the happiness of the elderly, and Happiness is divided into five levels, aimed to explore three major areas, namely finance variables, financial management variables and demographic background variables, This research analyzes China Household Finance Survey (CHFS) in 2015, uses the Ordered Logit Model and predicts odds and marginal effects to deeply explore which independent variables have a statistically significant effect on the elderly at different levels of happiness, and the effects of these independent variables were greater for the elderly at which happiness level than for other happiness levels. This study found that the four independent variables of"asset, health status, Communist Party members, and living in rural areas" reached a statistically significant level, and in terms of the marginal effects of different levels of happiness, the three variables that tended to be "not very happy" were found to be statistically significant. One level (not at all happy, not very happy, and averagely happy) gets a negative marginal effect value; and two levels that favor happiness (rather happy and very happy) get a positive marginal effect value. Allthe variables have a positive and significant impact on the happiness of the elderly, and have the most profound impact on those whose happiness levels are"averagely happy" and "rather happy".



老年人幸福感, 財務因素, 理財素養, Ordered Logit Model, CHFS, Happiness of Elderly, Financial Factors, Financial Literacy, Ordered Logit Model, CHFS





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