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要教好學生,必先了解學生,本研究因而以學生為受試對象,研究目的旨在瞭解臺南縣市國中學生就正向管教素養與態度的現況,並分析不同背景變項的學生對正向管教教育價值、政策與方法及其態度的差異情形,並探討正向管教素養與態度兩者之間的關係,進而提出建議。 本研究採用的研究方法為調查法,以問卷調查方式進行,以「正向管教素養量表」、「正向管教態度量表」為研究工具。研究對象為九十八學年度臺南縣市公立國民中學學生為研究母群體,本研究抽取12所學校,共計發出1260份問卷,回收1163份,其中無效問卷74份,有效問卷1089份,有效回收率93.6%。所得資料以 SPSS for Windows 12.0 軟體進行描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關等統計方法。 綜合研究發現,歸納結論如下: 一、 臺南縣市國中學生正向管教素養良好,在「正向管教教育價值」層面程度最高。 二、 臺南縣市國中學生正向管教態度良好。 三、 不同背景國中學生正向管教素養之差異性分析,不同「性別」、「年級」、「幹部經驗」、「父母教養方式」、「學校區域」、「學校規模」變項在正向管教素養整體或向度有顯著差異存在。 四、 不同背景國中學生正向管教態度之差異性分析,不同「性別」、「年級」、「父母教養方式」、「家長社經地位」、「學校區域」、「學校規模」變項上有顯著差異存在。 五、 國中學生正向管教素養與正向管教態度之間呈現高度正相關,表示正向管教素養得分愈高,其正向管教態度愈佳。 六、 根據迴歸分析得知國中學生正向管教素養對正向管教態度具有足夠的解釋力,檢定結果達顯著水準,國中學生正向管教素養整體可解釋正向管教態度總變異量的 55.2%,「正向管教教育價值」、「正向管教方法」具解釋力。 建議: 最後提出結論與建議,供教育機關、教育人員、學校、教師、家長、學生參考,及對後續研究者提出相關的具體建議。
The purpose of this study is to understand junior high school students’ perceptions of literacy and their attitude toward positive discipline around the Tainan county, Tainan city. This study analyzed the differences among students from different background and discussed the relationship between students’ perceptions of value of education, policy as well as method and their attitude toward positive discipline . Some suggestions were also presented. A questionnaire survey method was utilized in this study. “Literacy in Positive Discipline Scale” and “Attitude in Positive Discipline Scale ” are employed as the research tools. Study subject samples are 1260 public junior high school students selected from 12 junior high schools in Tainan County and Tainan City in 2010. There were 1163 questionnaires retrieved, which made the response rate 93.6 % containing 74 invalid copies and 1089 valid ones. All data were analyzed by SPSS 12.0 for Windows version through descriptive statistical analysis, item analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson product-moment correlation Based on the findings, the conclusions are as follows. 1. The junior high school students’ literacy toward positive discipline in Tainan County and City is above medium level with the highest level in “value 0f education toward positive discipline .” 2. The junior high school students’ attitude toward positive discipline in Tainan County and City is above medium level. 3. The variance analysis of students’ literacy toward positive discipline shows that variables such as “gender” ,“grade” , “class cadre of student” , “parenting style” , “ location of school, “the size and scale of school”have significant differences in the students’ literacy toward positive discipline. 4. The variance analysis of students’ attitude toward positive discipline shows that variables such as“gender”, “grade”, “parenting style”, “parental socioeconomic status” , “ location of school, “the size and scale of school” have significant differences in the students’ attitude toward positive discipline . 5. There is a positive correlation between students’ literacy and attitude toward positive discipline, which means the better the students’ literacy toward positive discipline is, the better the students’ attitude toward positive discipline is, and vice versa. 6. Simultaneous multiple regression indicates that students’ literacy toward positive discipline has ample explanation to students’ attitude toward positive discipline. All the aspects of students’ literacy toward positive discipline account entirely for 55.2 % of variance, and among them, “value 0f education toward positive discipline ”, “policy toward positive discipline ” has the greatest influence. Suggestion: Finally, the conclusion and suggestions were offered for educational administrative organizations, reference of concerning educators, schools, teachers, parents and students. The related specific suggestions to follow-up research suggestions are proposed.



正向管教, 正向管教素養, 正向管教態度, Positive Discipline, Literacy of positive discipline, Attitude of positive discipline





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