
dc.contributorHui-Ling Panen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsin-Feng Tungen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究係以一所國民小學為個案,探究學校中以藝術與人文領域為主軸之專業學習社群,透過Huffman 和 Hipp(2009)所提出的專業學習社群發展階段理論為基礎,分析該社群之演進歷程,並以Jackson 與 Temperley(2007)的網絡、連結與結點形成之理論探究專業學習社群運作歷程中如何建構學習網絡,最後以Schein(1992)文化層次模式為學校文化分析之架構,分析專業學習社群在其運作過程中建構之學習網絡所促進學校文化之改變。在研究方法上,主要以半結構式訪談、現場觀察與文件分析進行資料蒐集,以形成研究的發現與結果,依據研究目的與問題獲致研究之結論如下: 一、因應課程統整與師資專業化為奧斯卡小學推動藝術與人文領域專業學習社群發展的背景因素 二、奧斯卡小學的專業學習社群歷經初始、執行與維持三階段 三、發展「由下而上」的團體領導力是奧斯卡小學藝術與人文領域專業學習社群的共同特性 四、擁有豐富行政歷練的召集人為帶領奧斯卡小學藝術與人文領域專業學習社群邁向成功的關鍵 五、奧斯卡小學藝術與人文領域專業學習社群人格特質同質性高為專業學習社群發展優勢 六、奧斯卡小學藝術與人文領域專業學習社群化繁為簡整合舊有活動為藝術季,並與行政支持系統高度合作創造專業學習社群高效能 七、奧斯卡小學藝術與人文領域專業學習社群善用在地屬性資源創造學校本位特色課程 八、 奧斯卡小學藝術與人文領域專業學習社群透過「藝術季施行制度的建立」、「行政人員與學年主任的溝通整合」以及「學校成員情感的連結」創造結 點建構學習網絡影響學校文化 九、奧斯卡小學專業學習社群運作歷程中改變「學校成員關係」、「核心價值」以及「土親、人親的藝術校園永續經營」的學校文化 基於本研究的發現與結論,文末針對學校行政單位、學校參與教師、後續研究提出相關建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research will take an elementary school for a case study to explore the professional learning community on arts and humanities. The study will base on the theory of the Professional Learning Community Organizer (PLCO) proposed by Huffman and Hipp (2009) to analyze the development of said community. It will also adopt Jackson and Temperley’s theory on the formation of nets, threads, knots to discuss how to construct learning network in the development of a professional learning community. In the end, the study will also take the three levels of culture proposed by Schein (1992) to analyze the school culture, elaborating how the learning network formed in the development of professional learning community will change the school culture. The research method will adopt semi-structured interview, observational study and literature analysis to collect data to obtain the research results. The conclusions of the study are listed as follows: I. Course integration and teaching professionalization is the original motive why Oscar Elementary School encouraged the development of the professional learning community on arts and humanities. II. The development of the professional learning community can be divided into three stages: initiation, execution, and maintenance. III. “Bottom-up” development of leadership is the common feature of the professional learning community on arts and humanities in Oscar Elementary School. IV. A convener well-experienced in administrative affairs is the key factor to success of the professional learning community on arts and humanities in Oscar Elementary School. V. The similarity in personality of the members in the professional learning community on arts and humanities in Oscar Elementary School is the merits to the development of the community. VI. The professional learning community on arts and humanities in Oscar Elementary School integrate existing activities into an art festival and actively collaborate with administrative system to create efficiency of the community. VII. The professional learning community on arts and humanities in Oscar Elementary School well use local resources to create featured courses exclusive to the school. VIII. The professional learning community on arts and humanities in Oscar Elementary School use the establishment of the art festival, the communication and integration with administrative staff and Grade Directors, and emotional connection among school members, to create knots and construct the learning network to influence the school culture. IX. The development of professional learning community in Oscar Elementary School changes the relationship among school members, core value and the persistent close communication between local community and campus management in the school culture. According to the finding and conclusion of the research, the study will propose concerning advices to school administrations, teachers involved in similar activities and future researchers.en_US
dc.subjectprofessional learning communityen_US
dc.subjectschool cultureen_US
dc.titleA Case Study on the Development of Professional Learning Community and Its Influences on School Cultureen_US


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