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摘 要 本研究為探討臺北縣市大學生優酪乳之消費行為、影響優酪乳飲用之因素、與不同變項間之差異,研究採問卷調查法,以立意取樣方式進行調查。在臺北縣市共十八所公私立大學中,針對大一至大四的學生,以自編結構式問卷進行優酪乳消費行為的調查,共發出900份問卷,回收有效卷785份。研究之重要發現如下: 大學生的BMI、如廁頻率、消費考慮因素重視度對於優酪乳飲用動機有顯著影響。其中除了BMI呈現負相關之外,如廁頻率與消費考慮因素重視度皆有正向的影響。飲用動機影響消費考慮因素重視度、家庭月收入與飲用動機對於優酪乳飲用頻率亦影響。 女生的飲用動機與消費考慮因素重視度皆比男生高,而且曾修過營養生化相關課程者之營養保健認知會高於未修過者。社會科學與醫農類組學生在營養保健、好喝助消化兩個動機構面上明顯高於理工類組的學生,理工類組的學生則是在充饑解渴的動機因素上高於醫農類組。在消費考慮因素各構面也是社會科學與醫農類組高於理工類組,社會科學類組學生在行銷策略的重視程度上又明顯高於醫農類組的學生,尤以曾修過課程的學生其健康動機與考慮因素的重視程度也都高於未修過者。住處有冰箱的學生對於營養保健、好喝助消化兩個動機構面上明顯高於沒有冰箱的學生,且在考慮菌種與菌數及產品屬性時也比沒有冰箱的學生來得重視。在飲用頻率上,曾修營養生化課的學生高於未修課者。學生在消費行為各變項上對於飲用動機、消費考慮因素重視度都會因為消費行為的不同而有差異存在。 關鍵字:消費行為、優酪乳、飲食消費
Abstract This research explores the yoghurt-drinking consumer behavior of college students in Taipei City and County, factors influencing the way consumers drink yogurt, and differences between diverse variables. Questionnaires and purposive sampling were adopted to conduct the investigation. Self-designed structured questionnaires, aiming at students from freshmen to seniors of eighteen public and private universities in Taipei City and County, were utilized to engage in the investigation of yoghurt-drinking consumer behavior. Nine hundred questionnaires were sent out, with seven hundred eighty five valid ones retrieved. The important findings are as follows: University students’ Body Mass Index (BMI), frequency of going to the toilet, and factors considered for consumption all have significant influence on the motives of drinking yoghurt. Except for the BMI, which shows a negative correlation, both the frequency of going to the toilet and factors considered for consumption exerts positive influence over the consumer behavior of drinking yoghurt. The drinking motives influence factors considered for consumption. Monthly income of a family and the drinking motives also affect the frequency of drinking yoghurt. Women score higher than men in the drinking motives and factors considered for consumption. In addition, people who had taken related courses of nutrition, biology, or chemistry have higher awareness of health and nutrition than those who hadn’t. Students of social sciences, medicine, and agriculture have stronger motives in nutrition and health, good taste, and digestion improvement than those of natural sciences and engineering. Students of natural sciences and engineering have stronger motives in thirst-quenching than those of medicine and agriculture. Likewise, students of social sciences, medicine and agriculture value more on factors considered for consumption, especially about marketing strategies, than those of natural sciences and engineering. Students who had taken related courses pay more attention to health and factors considered for consumption than those who hadn’t. Students who have a refrigerator score much higher in motives of health, good taste, and digestion improvement than those who have not, and they value the varieties of bacteria and product attributes more. Students who had taken courses of nutrition, biology, or chemistry have higher dinking frequency than those who hadn’t. As to the diverse variables of consumer behavior, differences can be observed in drinking motives and factors considered for consumption depending on the variation of consumer behavior. Keywords: consumer behavior, yoghurt, food consumption



消費行為, 優酪乳, 飲食消費, consumer behavior, yoghurt, food consumption





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