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本研究目的在探討影響國中學生睡眠品質之相關因素。以自編結構式問卷為工具,採分層隨機抽樣,以台北縣某國中學生為母群體,抽取12個班級,有效問卷 389 份,回收率 92.6 %。
三、研究對象的生活習慣部分,有「就寢前另外找時間小睡」、「喝含咖啡因之飲料」 、 「以飲酒方式促進睡眠」 、 「有吸菸的習慣」 、 「有吃宵夜的習慣」、「睡前兩小時內激烈運動」、「於午夜十二點至凌晨六點的時段上網」以及「因上網而延遲入睡」者,其睡眠品質愈差。
四、研究對象的生活壓力、睡眠物理環境部分,「生活壓力愈大」 、 「睡眠物理環境愈差」 者,其睡眠品質愈差。
五、「年級」、「父母婚姻狀況」、「父母社經地位」、「生活壓力總分」、「睡眠物理環境總分」、「生活習慣總分」及「自覺健康狀況總分」等與睡眠品質相關的變項,對睡眠品質的解釋力為 31.7%。
The purposes of this study were to investigate the background factors that impact on the sleep quality of junior high school students in Taipei County. By using proportional sampling method, 389 valid samples (response rate 92.6%) provided data with a self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with independent-sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple linear regressions. The results of this research were summarized as follows: 1. The average PSQI global score of the total subjects is 5.93, and 53.7 % 0f subjects are rated as poor sleepers. 2. The subjects belong to “grade nine”, “parents has lower economics and social position”, “conscientious health status was bad” had poorer sleep quality. 3. The subjects those who “take a nap before sleep”, “drink caffeine beverage”, “drink”, “smoke”, “do high intensity exercise in 2 hours before sleep”, “use internet during 0-6 am”, “with higher living stress”, “With inadequate sleepphysics environments”, had poorer sleep quality. 4. Multiple regression indicated that grade, gender factors, parents' marital satus, parents' economics and social position, living stress, conscientious health status, habits and customs, and sleep physics environment of the subjects, can effectively predict the sleep quality and explain the total amount of variance is 31.7%.
The purposes of this study were to investigate the background factors that impact on the sleep quality of junior high school students in Taipei County. By using proportional sampling method, 389 valid samples (response rate 92.6%) provided data with a self-administered questionnaire. Data was analyzed with independent-sample t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and multiple linear regressions. The results of this research were summarized as follows: 1. The average PSQI global score of the total subjects is 5.93, and 53.7 % 0f subjects are rated as poor sleepers. 2. The subjects belong to “grade nine”, “parents has lower economics and social position”, “conscientious health status was bad” had poorer sleep quality. 3. The subjects those who “take a nap before sleep”, “drink caffeine beverage”, “drink”, “smoke”, “do high intensity exercise in 2 hours before sleep”, “use internet during 0-6 am”, “with higher living stress”, “With inadequate sleepphysics environments”, had poorer sleep quality. 4. Multiple regression indicated that grade, gender factors, parents' marital satus, parents' economics and social position, living stress, conscientious health status, habits and customs, and sleep physics environment of the subjects, can effectively predict the sleep quality and explain the total amount of variance is 31.7%.
睡眠品質, 國中學生, 生活習慣, 生活壓力, 睡眠物理環境, sleep quality, junior high school students, living habits, living stress, sleep physics environment