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臺灣持續加快的老化問題增加了醫療以及社會福利的支出,已經嚴重影響社會健全發展,因應高齡化社會的來臨,須先掌握如何維持高齡者的健康生活品質。本研究對象為臺灣地區65歲以上高齡者,採用簡單隨機抽樣法,並以電腦輔助電話訪談系統進行問卷調查,從有效樣本數1068位 (55歲以上) 篩選出484位 (65歲以上) 有效問卷。結果發現,生活環境越友善,較少影響活動的阻礙設施;行的安全上有較高的隱憂,影響高齡者出入安全與其相對意願;便利的交通運輸,則會影響高齡者的活動意願;研究也發現多數受訪高齡者不會因身體有重大病症,而影響其喜愛的社交活動。而研究結論可以知道「中等費力的身體活動」與「費力的身體活動」,則以南部地區的高齡者之從事時間最短;北部地區的高齡者其生活環境給予的條件似乎較佳,對於其進行活動的影響相對較低;當高齡者身體活動量越高時,其健康生活品質越佳。透過本研究也發現,臺灣高齡者獨居佔11.98%,推算臺灣約有33萬獨居人口,相關單位須將此現象納入必要之訪查,以保障高齡者的健康與照護。
The continuously accelerating aging problem in Taiwan increased spending on health and social welfare. This has seriously affected the social development. In response to the advent of an aging society, it is important to understand how to maintain a health-related quality of life among the elderly. The subjects were Quota Sampling with telephone interview questionnaire system selected from people over the age of 65. 484 questionnaires are valid. The results showed that first of all, the friendlier the environment was, the less barrier facilities of activity were. Second, having a higher or lower security worries affected the willing of going out for the elderly. So does the convenience of public transport. The study also found that most elderly people maintained their favorite social activities even if they caught major diseases. Fourth, elder people in southern Taiwan spent least time on the moderate and vigorous physical activities but those in northern Taiwan don’t due to the better environmental conditions. Meanwhile, a higher amount of physical activity gives the elders a better quality of life. Since the elderly living alone in Taiwan reached 11.98% of the population, estimated 33 million people, the related bureau is necessary to understand this phenomenon to ensure a better health care for the elderly.



高齡者, 身體活動量, 健康生活品質, 坐式行為, older people, physical activity, health related quality of life, sedentary behaviors





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