

本研究欲針對幼兒在作業情境中之欺騙策略的表現與對於錯誤相信理解之情形,據以分析幼兒本身與對他人心智理解的概況,透過作業施測的方式,探究幼兒內在建構的過程,並檢視不同變項對於幼兒在不同作業中之心智理解表現之影響。 研究方法主要蒐集幼兒在作業情境中表現的欺騙策略類型與行為解釋之口語資料,探討幼兒在欺騙作業與錯誤相信作業表現之間的關係,針對個別幼兒採取ㄧ對ㄧ作業施測方式,本研究對象為台北市某私立幼稚園之三、四、五歲幼兒,共計60名(各年齡層20名)。 在進行心智作業施測之前,參與本研究之全體幼兒均接受「學前兒童語言障礙評量表」檢測個人語言理解及口語表達之狀況,針對幼兒語言能力做初步的篩選;心智作業包括「欺騙作業」可分為合作與競爭情境,以藏找遊戲方式進行,分別以3題錯誤相信問題作為幼兒通過作業與否的評分標準,於該作業中還可蒐集幼兒不同類型欺騙策略之表現,作為探知幼兒內在想法的參考依據;「錯誤相信作業」包含「未預期移位作業」與「未預期內容作業」,分別以5題錯誤相信問題作為幼兒通過作業與否的評分標準,並檢視幼兒在作業中表現的心智理解能力。 研究結果發現,在控制語言能力於一定標準的情況下,「年齡」變項對於本研究幼兒之心智作業表現具有最顯著影響,幼兒三到四歲之間,心智理解能力具有明顯的提昇變化,其表現在作業的通過率、欺騙策略的多樣性與自發性、以及幼兒對於自己或他人錯誤相信之想法與行動的解釋觀點;「性別」因素對於本研究三至五歲幼兒心智作業的理解情形並無顯著影響,與先前文獻所述,女性幼兒可能具有性別優勢的結果並不一致。 在比較各作業通過人數時發現,幼兒在欺騙作業的通過情形,優於錯誤相信作業,此結果符合Sullivan和Winner(1993)之主張,其認為三歲幼兒在被要求主動欺騙對手時,能表現出較佳的錯誤相信推理能力,在嵌有欺騙的脈絡情境中,幼兒的心智理解表現較佳。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relation of young children’s understanding of mind and the use of strategies of deception. Subjects of the research were three to five years old and came from a private kindergarten located in Taipei city. By collecting the children’s explanations about their adopting of deceptive strategies and the responses to the false-belief questions, researcher tried to examine the effect of age and gender variables to their performances in different theory-of-mind tasks, including deceptive tasks and false-belief tasks. The results showed that under controlling the standard of preschoolers’ language ability, the age variable had the significant effect. The three-year-olds performed worsely then the four- and five-, it had a positive slope curve during three to four years old. But the gender variable did not show great influence on the difference of children’s answering. Comparing the passing number of tasks, the children performed better under the situations with deceptive contexts. It was consisting with the conclusion of Sullivan& Winner (1993), suggesting that three-year-olds had better understanding of mind in actively deceptive motions.



幼兒, 欺騙, 欺騙策略, 錯誤相信, 心智理解, 心智理論, Young Children, Deception, Strategies of Deception, False Belief, Understanding of Mind, Theory of Mind





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