以行動能力觀點探討海洋保育個案研究 -以郭道仁台灣東北角萊式擬烏賊保育為例

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中文摘要 根據全球海洋現況報告(IPSO, 2013),海洋健康狀態已處於生態系崩壞的臨界點,科學家們認為需要在一個世代內防止海洋發生不可逆的災難性變化。海洋保育行動是重要而有效的對應之道,需要群體促成。 資深潛水教練郭道仁在水活動中看到萊氏擬烏賊產卵於海洋廢棄物上,他開始嘗試以天然素材製作的人工魚礁打造軟絲的家,在台灣東北角海域,從1998年起軟絲富育行動一直持續至今。作為環境教育的學習者,研究者關注行動是如何進行?什麼能力促成環境行動? 本研究主要瞭解個案行動歷程以及個人行動能力要素,研究問題為: 一、 探討郭道仁海洋保育行動的整體脈絡與內容為何? 二、 探討該海洋保育行動中,環境行動能力之要素與要素關係為何? 本研究採質化研究方法,資料蒐集方式主要為:深度訪談、文件蒐集與參與觀察,並以Jensen (1997)提出的行動能力觀點作為歸納分析的準則。 研究結果歸納郭道仁海洋保育行動能力包含21項要素,統整為知識與洞察力、承諾、願景和行動經驗四大面向,以及民主素養與批判思考兩大精神。
According to the Global State of the Ocean Report (IPSO, 2013) , the ocean health is in a critical state. Scientists believe that there is still time to prevent irreversible, catastrophic changes to our marine ecosystems but that this requires drastic action within a decade.Marine conservation action is an important and effective way that needs people to make it happen. Dao-Ren Kuo is a senior diving instructor with lots ocean experience. By witness Sepioteuthis iessoniana laid eggs on marine debris, he tried to bulit an artificial reef by natural materials as home as well. He has contributed to conserve Sepioteuthis iessoniana at Northeast Taiwan from 1998 until now. Researcher concerns about how he takes marine conservation action and what key factors make the action success. The purpose of this study is to comprehend action strategies and key factors of the individual action competence. The research questions are as following: 1.What is marine conservation action strategies by Dao-Ren Kuo ? 2.What are the key factors influencing his action competence? The study is an explorative and qualitative research, based on Jensen (1997)'s argument about environmental action competence. This study collected data by deep interview, documents collection and participant observation of the case object. The research results show the action competence of Dao-Ren Kuo's marine conservation action contains 21 factors. Which integrate into knowledge, committee, vision, action experience 4 dimensions and 2 spirits is democracy and critical thinking.



行動能力, 休閒潛水, 海洋保育, action competence, scuba diving, marine conservation





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