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我鬼鬼祟祟地在腦海裡進行一場戰鬥,為的是要抵抗社會工作教育所建立在我身上的建構,我曾所相信助人是好的、證照是優越的、以及專家姿態伴隨權力運作帶來社工的優秀,在研究所期間進行一場自己對付自己的行辯之旅。然而面對自我之社會工作教育解構又重新建構,是一個漫長的過程,經歷「切割」、「洗」,至嚮往 「重生」,原以為答案在遠方,卻在進入生命經驗皺褶敘說時,才瞥見原來生命自己會說話,面對強烈的專業建制破壞人性關懷與互助之本然存在,更看見了社會工作教育是一場暴力與泡毒,使我失去語言與我全人之存在。
Topic of Thesis: A Narrative Story on My Journal of Social Work Education This research demonstrates the experience of social work education of. There was from my personal experience to common experiences with few people who also have been through social work education and feel that social work education gradually decreases the quality of the origin values of social work. Only few people does focus on this changing tendency and hope that we who learn social work or are social workers can bring the power back to the students/social workers/community themselves in order to strengthen the basis of profession, but not be controlled by the government anymore. I, as a researcher and a story teller, observe that the social work in Taiwan has institutionized badly that oppresses social workers and students to be a working tool but treated as a human . Therefore, I desire to encounter more conversation with the written piece and appeal to more diversity in the field of social work in Taiwan. To co-narrate the social work in Taiwan is important. More radical pieces and divers voices is spoken in recent years so that social work since it began is having increasing reflection upon itself now.
Topic of Thesis: A Narrative Story on My Journal of Social Work Education This research demonstrates the experience of social work education of. There was from my personal experience to common experiences with few people who also have been through social work education and feel that social work education gradually decreases the quality of the origin values of social work. Only few people does focus on this changing tendency and hope that we who learn social work or are social workers can bring the power back to the students/social workers/community themselves in order to strengthen the basis of profession, but not be controlled by the government anymore. I, as a researcher and a story teller, observe that the social work in Taiwan has institutionized badly that oppresses social workers and students to be a working tool but treated as a human . Therefore, I desire to encounter more conversation with the written piece and appeal to more diversity in the field of social work in Taiwan. To co-narrate the social work in Taiwan is important. More radical pieces and divers voices is spoken in recent years so that social work since it began is having increasing reflection upon itself now.
社會工作教育, 敘事研究, Social work education, Narrative research