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在過去幾年以來,婚姻平權運動備受台灣社會高度關注與討論。身為基督徒,由於同性戀行為是不被其信仰規範所認可的,他被期待應該恪遵教義而譴責同性戀、反對同性婚姻。然而,若他同時具有社工學生的角色,根據社工專業的立場,他會被期待要依循尊重人權、實現社會正義等專業價值,而捍衛同志權益、為婚姻平權發聲。為了呈現基督徒社工學生,在同婚議題上因宗教信仰與社工專業的迥異立場而面臨角色衝突的經驗,及延伸到實務現場面臨信仰與專業間價值衝突的經驗,本研究以質性研究方法,透過立意抽樣選取十位研究對象,運用深度訪談法蒐集資料,並以主題分析法進行資料分析。 研究結果除了詳實呈現基督徒社工學生在同婚議題因雙重角色的不相容期待,經驗到角色衝突的心路歷程;也剖析基督徒社工學生面對角色衝突的衝擊,透過不同因應方式在困境中尋求突破。並且延伸探索在實務經驗中,助人工作者面對宗教信仰與社工專業價值差異的回應。最後,思考社工專業養成增加同志教育的適切性,協助學生實踐多元、平等、反歧視的社工精神。
Over the past few years, the marriage equality movement has attracted a lot of attention and interest from the public in Taiwan. As a Protestant, he or she is supposed to castigate homosexual and oppose legalizing same-sex marriage because Christianity teaches him or her that same-sex relationships and homosexual sex are sinful; however, as a student of Social Work, he or she is supposed to support the marriage equality movement because defending human rights and realizing social justice are very important values.In order to demonstrate the role conflict experience over same-sex marriage and the value conflict experience in practice, a qualitative study using in-depth interview was conducted. Purposive sampling approach was used to recruit participants. In total, ten Protestant students of Social Work were interviewed. After the data was collected, thematic analysis was used to identify and analyze important themes. This study not only presented the subjects’ mental journey of experiencing role conflict due to the incompatible expectations of dual roles on the issue of same-sex marriage, but also analyzing the impact of role conflict faced by subjects and the coping styles in difficult situations to respond to conflict. Additionally, it extended to explore the responses of social workers to the difference between religious beliefs and social work professional values in practice. Finally, it considered the appropriateness of social work majors to increase gay education, and help students practice the professional spirit such as diversity, equality, and anti-discrimination.



角色衝突, 價值衝突, 同性婚姻, 宗教信仰, 社工專業, role conflict, value conflict, same-sex marriage, religion, social work





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