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全球近年來斥資興築大型藝文場館的風潮方興未艾,舉凡法國羅浮宮朗斯分館(Louvre-Lens)、羅浮宮阿布達比分館(Louvre-Abu Dhabi)、荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國家博物館(Rijksmuseum)以及台灣的台北藝術中心、台中大都會歌劇院、嘉義故宮南院、臺南都會公園奇美博物館以及高雄衛武營國家兩廳院等,均是重量級的文化建設指標。由於研究者對於旗艦型藝文場館廣設興建之因甚感好奇,遂而引發研究熱情。 本研究是以綜覽文化的功能為開端,其次,聚焦於英國學者吉姆·麥奎根Jim McGuigan(2001)所提出的「國家論述」、「公民論述」與「市場論述」三個文化政策主流方向,進行文化政策本質價值與工具價值的辯證,最後,再就博物館涉及經濟效益的範疇深入闡述。此外,本研究是透過質性訪談的方式,進行臺南都會公園奇美博物館的個案研究,而各項研究成果與發現,乃依據次級文獻、深度訪談、參訪觀察以及量化統計資料之彙整,呈現綜合性的詮釋闡述。 本研究證實臺南都會公園奇美博物館,是依據促參法興建的文教設施,主辦機關為台南市政府,依據研究結果顯示,其創造出來的龐大觀光餐旅產值以及其他外部性經濟貢獻,部分乃受惠於台南市政府多項施政效益。再就內部性效益而言,民國104年1~8月奇美博物館入館參觀總人次已逾120萬人次,保守推估門票總收入已超過一億新台幣以上。由於其文創衍生性商品的開發授權收益為本研究之限制,故僅依據研究結果分析判斷奇美博物館內部性營收來源以門票、商品販售以及餐飲服務為主。
The global trend to invest in building large-scale arts and culture centers has been emerging vigorously nowadays such as Louvre-Lens in France, Louvre-Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, Rijksmuseum in Nederland, Taipei Performing Arts Center, Taichung Metropolitan Opera House, Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum, Chimei Museum, and Wei-Wu-Ying Center for the Arts in Taiwan, which are high profile cultural landmarks. The researcher’s aspirations to know the causes that lead to the booming of worldwide flagship cultural centers initiated this research. This research began with overviewing functions of culture, then focusing on the intrinsic versus instrumental value debates of cultural policies in terms of the three mainstream cultural policies that Jim McGuigan brought up in 2001, of which are state discourse, civil discourse, and market discourse. Then it’s concluded by an elaboration on the economic benefits that museums bring forth. In the light of research methodology, the research was a case study of Chimei Museum through qualitative research interview; the interpretation of the research findings were based on the secondary literature review, in-depth interviews, site visit observations, and statistical analyses. This research found that Chimei Museum was established by Act for Promotion of Private Participation in Infrastructure Projects; its authorities-in-charge is Tainan City Government. According to the statistics and reports from the research results, the huge tourism and hospitality sales plus other external economic contributions are partially benefited from Tainan City Government’s administrative policy outcomes. As for the internal contributions, the number of visitors to Chimei Museum during the first eight months of 2015 exceeded 1.2 million of which the ticket sales amounted up to NTD 0.1 billion. As the unavailability of acquiring its incomes originating from developing licensed brand derivative products based on creative inspiration from the archived images and registered trademark of the licensors is the limitation of this study, it was inferred that the sources of Chimei Museum’s gross revenues majorly came from ticketing, merchandising, and catering based on the research results.



博物館經濟效益, 文化經濟, 奇美博物館, 經濟效益評估, Museum Economic Impact, Cultural Economics, Chimei Museum, Economic Impact Evaluation





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