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高中職多元入學管道中,申請入學特別條件採計體適能成績加分,在基北區(台北 縣、台北市、基隆市、金門馬祖)已漸漸被各學校所接受,往後是否能夠順利推展與執 行,需要更多的證據資料支持。然而以實施方案而言,高中職學校招生委員會自主性高, 在採計後所定的加分條件有所不同,亦可能每年會有所調整,而國中學生參與體適能檢 測,提出達到申請學校訂定標準之證明文件。歸納分析採計之學校實施現況為何?一方 面可以檢視教育單位當初辦理推廣的理念差距,亦可提供各高中職學校訂定條件之參考 及國中學校對學生加強宣導之指標。而體適能成績納入申請入學後,對國中學校在體育 推展、教師教學、學生體育課的學習所產生的成效及遭遇的問題為何?此外,對學生而 言,知覺對自己所產生的成效及遭遇的問題為何?值得深入探究。本研究認為站在第一 線的體育教師及使用體適能加分錄取之高中生最清楚箇中翹楚,在看法上也較能進入核 心。而目前國內有關體適能納入升學採計的研究,仍付之闕如。因此,本研究從多元入 學相關規章加以歸納分析,並使用質性化研究,藉由訪談的方式做為資料蒐集的方法, 以作為探討的依據,研究對象為基北區公立國民中學體育教師及使用體適能加分錄取高 中職之高中生,目的在於探討體適能成績納入申請入學之實施現況、成效分析及問題探 究,期能從研究的發現提供教育單位參考之實證資料。
Within the multiple entrance channels for normal and vocational high schools, the entrance applications with special condition of physical fitness performance merged for entrance had been widely accepted by various schools in Keelung and Taipei regions (Taipei County, Taipei City, Keelung City, Kingmen and Matzu ) gradually. Whether this appraisal system can be smoothly implemented thereafter actually required more supportable evidences. However, in view of project implementation, the entrance commission of normal and vocational high schools held high autonomy and probably adopted various scoring systems. In addition, the scoring systems can be changed year by year. The graduates from senior high schools should submit the scores of physical fitness examinations for qualified entrance proof. To summarize the current implementation at schools, on one hand, it is available to inspect the conceptional gaps for entrance appraisal projects from the very beginning; it was also available to provide the reference and indicators with enhanced advocation among senior high school students. After the physical fitness scores merged in the entrance application appraisal, it also casts the questions about the way how teachers and students to create the performance and face the problems ahead? In addition, for students, it casts the questions about how students to perceive their own performance and face the problems? Such questions would be worthy of our exploration. In this research, it is supposed that the 1st line PE teachers knew most about the physical fitness performance merged for high school entrance appraisal and their viewpoints would be highly close to the core issues. However, there is still no researches about physical fitness performance merged for high school entrance appraisal. Thus, in this research, the regulation relevant to multiple entrance channels will be summarized and analyzed under qualitative inspections. Through interviews for data gathering, the research reference can be made. PE teachers from senior high schools and senior high graduates with physical fitness scores submitted for senior high school entrance appraisal are served as experimental subjects. It is aimed to explore currently implemented status and efficiency analysis for entrance appraisal with physical fitness scores submitted. It is expected that the research results can provide the education authorities with reference for experimental proof.
Within the multiple entrance channels for normal and vocational high schools, the entrance applications with special condition of physical fitness performance merged for entrance had been widely accepted by various schools in Keelung and Taipei regions (Taipei County, Taipei City, Keelung City, Kingmen and Matzu ) gradually. Whether this appraisal system can be smoothly implemented thereafter actually required more supportable evidences. However, in view of project implementation, the entrance commission of normal and vocational high schools held high autonomy and probably adopted various scoring systems. In addition, the scoring systems can be changed year by year. The graduates from senior high schools should submit the scores of physical fitness examinations for qualified entrance proof. To summarize the current implementation at schools, on one hand, it is available to inspect the conceptional gaps for entrance appraisal projects from the very beginning; it was also available to provide the reference and indicators with enhanced advocation among senior high school students. After the physical fitness scores merged in the entrance application appraisal, it also casts the questions about the way how teachers and students to create the performance and face the problems ahead? In addition, for students, it casts the questions about how students to perceive their own performance and face the problems? Such questions would be worthy of our exploration. In this research, it is supposed that the 1st line PE teachers knew most about the physical fitness performance merged for high school entrance appraisal and their viewpoints would be highly close to the core issues. However, there is still no researches about physical fitness performance merged for high school entrance appraisal. Thus, in this research, the regulation relevant to multiple entrance channels will be summarized and analyzed under qualitative inspections. Through interviews for data gathering, the research reference can be made. PE teachers from senior high schools and senior high graduates with physical fitness scores submitted for senior high school entrance appraisal are served as experimental subjects. It is aimed to explore currently implemented status and efficiency analysis for entrance appraisal with physical fitness scores submitted. It is expected that the research results can provide the education authorities with reference for experimental proof.