本研究旨在瞭解結合桌遊的營養教育介入對國小學童健康飲食知識、態度及行為之效果。以準實驗研究設計,選取108學年度新北市兩所國民小學六年級學童為受測學童,共計完成301份有效問卷,實驗組152人、對照組學童149人。結合「食物王國大冒險」桌遊設計素養導向的營養教育課程,實驗組接受結合桌遊的營養教育介入,在2個月期間入班教學共4堂(每堂40分鐘);對照組僅實施前後測問卷測量。利用廣義估計方程式(Generalized estimating equations)進行分析,評價結合桌遊的營養教育介入之效果。
The present study aimed to understand the effect of board game-enhanced nutrition education on knowledge, attitude and behavior of healthy eating practice among elementary school students. A quasi-experimental design was utilized with 301 students from two elementary schools in New Taipei City in 2019, including 152 students in the experimental group and 149 students in the control group. Through the "Foodtopia" board game, a health literacy-oriented nutrition education course was designed and implemented. During the two-month period, the experimental group received 4 sessions of the board game-enhanced nutrition education (40 minutes each). In contrast, the control group was given only pre- and post-test survey. Generalized Estimating Equations method was used to evaluate the effect of the educational intervention. The results indicated that board game-enhanced nutrition education intervention significantly increased students’ healthy eating knowledge (i.e., balanced diet, daily intake of fruits, vegetables, and dairy), healthy eating attitude(i.e., preference towards fruits and vegetables), and healthy eating self-efficacy (i.e., make fruits, vegetables, and dairy choices), and the life skill (i.e., decision making towards healthy eating). The intervention also significantly reduced students’ intake of sugar-sweetened beverage, fried food, and unhealthy snacks and sweets. Participants expressed that the board game made learning healthy eating more fun. It was suggested that schools could support game-enhanced nutrition education to promote healthy eating practices more effectively. Interdisciplinary game-based nutrition education sessions could be integrated into school-based curriculum in the future to further promote healthy eating practices among teachers, parents and students in the school community.
The present study aimed to understand the effect of board game-enhanced nutrition education on knowledge, attitude and behavior of healthy eating practice among elementary school students. A quasi-experimental design was utilized with 301 students from two elementary schools in New Taipei City in 2019, including 152 students in the experimental group and 149 students in the control group. Through the "Foodtopia" board game, a health literacy-oriented nutrition education course was designed and implemented. During the two-month period, the experimental group received 4 sessions of the board game-enhanced nutrition education (40 minutes each). In contrast, the control group was given only pre- and post-test survey. Generalized Estimating Equations method was used to evaluate the effect of the educational intervention. The results indicated that board game-enhanced nutrition education intervention significantly increased students’ healthy eating knowledge (i.e., balanced diet, daily intake of fruits, vegetables, and dairy), healthy eating attitude(i.e., preference towards fruits and vegetables), and healthy eating self-efficacy (i.e., make fruits, vegetables, and dairy choices), and the life skill (i.e., decision making towards healthy eating). The intervention also significantly reduced students’ intake of sugar-sweetened beverage, fried food, and unhealthy snacks and sweets. Participants expressed that the board game made learning healthy eating more fun. It was suggested that schools could support game-enhanced nutrition education to promote healthy eating practices more effectively. Interdisciplinary game-based nutrition education sessions could be integrated into school-based curriculum in the future to further promote healthy eating practices among teachers, parents and students in the school community.
桌遊, 營養教育, 健康飲食, 國小, 素養, board game, nutrition education, healthy eating, elementary school, literacy